Easter was great...in a lot of different ways. It started out with Easter baskets for the boys. I filled their baskets and AJ's parents sent the buckets. My mom made the boys' Easter baskets. She is a
basket weaver. We spent a lot of time going over the resurrection story so that the boys know what the true meaning of Easter is. But it's also fun to surprise them with fun Easter goodies. I love having little traditions that are special for our family.

They were in awe!

Sawyer having his own kind of fun. :)

After breakfast the boys and I dyed Easter eggs. I just made some food coloring and vinegar dye. We were going to the last of 3 services at church so we had extra time...or so we thought. Our
church normally has 2 services on Sunday morning and we go to the later one. For Easter they had an extra service which started almost an hour later and we still managed to be late!

I rubbed the eggs with olive oil when we were done to make them shiny and pretty. :)

Just a little centerpiece...no big deal. :)

I worked so hard to get us all prettified & matching for Easter Sunday and we didn't even get to take a picture because we were so late. :( bummer. So going to church was crazy...it was cold and pouring down rain. I mean, POURING. He dropped me off and we went running. Boys in seersucker pants running through the rain...you know what happened. If there is a puddle, boys
will jump in it. Okay, so Fin didn't jump in as I'm running behind him shouting "don't step in the water, don't step in the water!" But, they still managed to have mud and water all up their pants. By that point, I said oh well and set myself to focusing on what Easter is really about. I enjoy getting us all gussied up for Easter, but I realize it's for me and I got over it pretty quickly. Church was great. More about that another time.
After church our good friends, the
Murrays and the
Ogles came over for a casual Easter lunch. After lunch Mel, Emily and I did a little Easter egg hunt for the kids...in our living room since it was yucky outside.
AJ thought he was pretty awesome with his egg hiding spot.

The boys were so cute hunting the eggs!

Even baby Sully got in on the action.

Digging into their loot. They were supposed to eat 3 pieces each. Dave wasn't exactly monitoring Micah and he ripped his way through that bag of candy pretty quickly. :)

It was a great time with good friends.
After that was rest time for the boys and rest time for mommy. I did what I love to do on a rainy day: put on sweats, got a cup of hot tea, a good book, and read with the window open. loved it.
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