we had a wonderful weekend.
we had great time as a family and great time as a couple.
we talked a lot.
we've been talking a lot about what we want for our lives.
we don't want to just go with the flow and watch our lives pass us by.
we talked about longing for a simple life.
with our family.
without so many distractions.
we talked about what life we want to make for ourselves and our children. . . and how to get there.
a lot of deep thinking going on over here lately.
pondering, questioning, praying.
i think we have let busyness and distractions consume so much of our life that we are just kind of along for the ride . . . not really making it what we want it to be.
we are taking a step back and looking at how we are living.
i am excited and nervous and hopeful about the future. :)
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Monday, April 30, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012

once again. . . our week in cell phone pics . . .
sweet brothers, listening to adventures in odyssey on the focus on the family app.
aj grew up listening to adventures in odyssey on saturday mornings.
he's trying to pass on the tradition.
pretty cute stuff. :)
big news.
finny fan lost his first tooth this week.
he was pretty nervous about it, but ended up pulling it out himself.
and then the tooth fairy failed.
two nights in a row.
parents of the year.
this stuff is great.
i will be buying more.
it really does dry super, super fast.
which is necessary because i have four kids.
enough said.
this girl thought she could go ahead and turn eight months old.
she's growing so fast!
i'm just trying to hold on and enjoy the ride.
and oh my, isn't she beautiful???
a sitter and a reader.
skills are being mastered all the time around here.
what treasures i have been entrusted with.
sawyer was feverish this week.
he got lots of pbs time and i got to clean my room which was in a sad, sad state.
i did not highever, get to the THREE baskets of clean laundry that is waiting to be folded.
you win some, you lose some.
first time sitting in her stroller like a big girl.
love her foot propped up there.
you got the life, kid.
have a happy friday, friends!
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Thursday, April 26, 2012
adventures in spray painting
it's official.
there's a new love in my life.
i broke up with krylon and have now fallen head over heals for valspar.
i have been using krylon for years because it was at wal-mart {convenient since i'm shopping there anyway} and a good price.
well, i have switched and i won't be going back.
this valspar is soooo much better.
it's way less drippy and took less coats for really good coverage.
i'm a fan.
it's only about a dollar more so it's def worth it to me.
i think i've finally settled on the color for ruby's high chair.
when i bought it, it was natural wood but i knew i would paint it.
last month i painted it a pale aqua that i had on hand, but it just wasn't doing it for me.
i went to lowe's and picked up valspar's tropical oasis gloss spray paint.
i think i did 3 light and even coats on a sunny, non-windy day {waiting at least 5 min in between coats}.
i am letting it cure for a couple of days before ruby uses it, but i am so happy with it!
i love the saturated pop of color.
i love the high shine and easy wipeability of the gloss.
now i want to find more things to spray paint!
i feel more confident to try bigger projects now that i know how good valspar is. :)
what about y'all? do you have a favorite brand of spray paint?
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012
mama finds
just thought i'd pass along some of my favorite mama things.
#1. seeds family worship.
that video is just a little sampling of the awesomeness that is seeds family worship.
my sis-in-law gave us a cd last summer and we love it.
we listen to it in the car regularly and now we have all memorized a bunch of new scriptures.
scripture . . .set to music . . . that we all enjoy. . . perfect.
i was just looking on the website and see that they have a ton of neat tools for families.
scripture memory cards and a printable checklist.
that rocks.
we're doing that.
#2 okay this is so girly.
but i think this falls under the mom category, so we're sharing it.
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#1. seeds family worship.
that video is just a little sampling of the awesomeness that is seeds family worship.
my sis-in-law gave us a cd last summer and we love it.
we listen to it in the car regularly and now we have all memorized a bunch of new scriptures.
scripture . . .set to music . . . that we all enjoy. . . perfect.
i was just looking on the website and see that they have a ton of neat tools for families.
scripture memory cards and a printable checklist.
that rocks.
we're doing that.
#2 okay this is so girly.
but i think this falls under the mom category, so we're sharing it.
in case you can't read it, it says total effects eye transforming cream.
this stuff actually works.
well it should for how much it costs for that little jar.
but it is so worth it.
after i had ruby, i really noticed my eyes looking so. old.
i noticed a difference within a week of using this.
now every time i look in the car mirror, i don't gasp in horror at my eye wrinkles.
crisis averted.
at least for now.
also, i've had it since september and probably used a fourth of the jar.
money well spent, i'd say.
#3 okay this is more of a wifey link but it ties in.
gotta be a good wife to be a good mom.
anyhow, i'm reading this.
i'm only through chapter two but it's kicking my tail.
good stuff that i'm trying to learn.
old habits die hard.
okay that's all i have for today.
anyone else have some great mama links or finds that you want to share?
if enough of you are interested, we'll start a mama finds linky. let me know. :)
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Monday, April 23, 2012
(in) real life
happy monday morning to you!
i am super excited that (in) real life is this saturday!
are you going?
you do not have to be a blogger.
women gathering all over the country.
gathering to connect, encourage and create new friendships.
and eat snacks . . . can i get an amen?
register here, then find your city location and rsvp there too.
if you are local, i'd love love love to see you there! how fun would that be?!
if not, find your local (in)RL and connect with some women near you.
i really think it's gonna be awesome.
it starts this friday with a webcast that you can watch in the comfort of your own home.
woo to the hoo.
99% chance i'll be watching in my pj pants with a cup of coffee in hand.
let me know if you're going...i'd love to hear about your experience. :)
"We're bringing an (in)courage conference to life!"
p.s. had to pass this along . . . dayspring has twelve of their most popular items on a special 30% off sale through May 14th. Use code MD30off at checkout. click here to see the items: Mother's Day Special- 30% off Select Items
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i am super excited that (in) real life is this saturday!
are you going?
you do not have to be a blogger.
women gathering all over the country.
gathering to connect, encourage and create new friendships.
and eat snacks . . . can i get an amen?
register here, then find your city location and rsvp there too.
if you are local, i'd love love love to see you there! how fun would that be?!
if not, find your local (in)RL and connect with some women near you.
i really think it's gonna be awesome.
it starts this friday with a webcast that you can watch in the comfort of your own home.
woo to the hoo.
99% chance i'll be watching in my pj pants with a cup of coffee in hand.
let me know if you're going...i'd love to hear about your experience. :)
"We're bringing an (in)courage conference to life!"
p.s. had to pass this along . . . dayspring has twelve of their most popular items on a special 30% off sale through May 14th. Use code MD30off at checkout. click here to see the items: Mother's Day Special- 30% off Select Items
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Friday, April 20, 2012

my week via instagram.....
last weekend i had my first big girl sushi.
not my first sushi.
my first sushi with raw fish.
i have loved sushi since college but i have never been brave enough to try the raw fish.
it was so yum and not scary at all.
big milestone.
sweet friends.
it is often hard for me to leave my family at home and go out with the girls.
but when i do, i love it and have such a great time.
so thankful for these girls.
the peonies {my favorite} are blooming!
all from our yard.
another giant perk of this rent house.
love hate relationship.
or more like tolerate/hate.
i am trying to get disciplined in exercising.
it does. not. come easy for me.
it is sheer will and determination to run on that thing for 20 minutes.
but i need it so i press on.
i'm praying that i learn to love running.
that would be helpful. :)
and i just realized what meliyah's shirt said.
that's super cool.
these two play so well together.
they are happy and sweet and imaginative together.
and our sweet meliyah girl loves her some ruby jane.
she kisses her and holds her and plays with her.
girl toys!
way to go walmart with your cutie cute basket with vintage looking fabric.
the perfect thing to hold pink baby toys.
girly toys are such a novelty around here.
we are all pretty happy about them. :)
so those are a few glimpses of my week....
some snapshots here & there in the midst of a lot of busyness.
good busy, but still busy.
very much looking forward to this weekend to have a bit of a breather.
hoping to enjoy some good family time.
have a great weekend. :)
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Thursday, April 19, 2012
all over the place
hi friends.
ruby and i had a girls' outing today.
we went to lowe's.
i'm raising her right.
i was so giddy.
it's been too long since i've been in there.
i bought spray paint and wood.
i nearly skipped out of there i was so happy to be doing a project again.
yesterday afternoon i was a used car salesman.
i wheeled and dealed with a woman who wants to buy aj's car.
i got her to a good price and was feeling pretty pleased with myself.
ten minutes later i backed my car into it.
not kidding.
seriously, the timing was nutso.
i was on the phone with aj at the time.
good news, bad news.
bad news: i yelled so loud that he thought i hit a child.
good news: the car was nothing compared to that so he wasn't upset about the cars in the slightest.
thankfully he never gets upset about those types of things.
which is a really good thing because i'm working with about half a brain here peeps.
speaking about pride coming before a fall.
this morning all three boys had dentist appointments.
you've seen our dentist.
it's like a magical dentistry playland.
avery and finley have always been amazing at the dentist.
not one ounce of resistance or fear.
i always felt a bit smug when other kids were wailing or fighting the dentist as my two boys cooperatively sat there and got their teeth cleaned.
then we had sawyer.
oh mercy, that child is psycho about the dentist.
don't you dare put that spinny toothbrush in his mouth.
you might come away with one less finger.
our appointment 6 months ago was a real treat with me sweating, holding a tiny baby ruby who hated her car seat and pretty much laying on top of sawyer to keep him down.
luckily today he didn't actually scream bloody murder.
but he did manage to spit the contents of his mouth out all over the sweet hygenists, kick his feet and clamp his mouth shut.
it. was. awesome.
thank goodness for children...they keep you humble.
and so does backing into your husband's car.
oh also, i wanted to tell you....i totally want to reply to your comments that you leave me.
i've been replying to your comments on my page and have felt so on top of things.
well, now i realize that those don't get emailed to you...i think you actually have to come back here and see if i responded to your comment or question. is that right?
i'm a technical genius.
i can email respond to some of you but some of you are no-reply bloggers.
do you know what that means?
here's tutorial to fix that. :)
have a happy thursday!
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ruby and i had a girls' outing today.
we went to lowe's.
i'm raising her right.
i was so giddy.
it's been too long since i've been in there.
i bought spray paint and wood.
i nearly skipped out of there i was so happy to be doing a project again.
yesterday afternoon i was a used car salesman.
i wheeled and dealed with a woman who wants to buy aj's car.
i got her to a good price and was feeling pretty pleased with myself.
ten minutes later i backed my car into it.
not kidding.
seriously, the timing was nutso.
i was on the phone with aj at the time.
good news, bad news.
bad news: i yelled so loud that he thought i hit a child.
good news: the car was nothing compared to that so he wasn't upset about the cars in the slightest.
thankfully he never gets upset about those types of things.
which is a really good thing because i'm working with about half a brain here peeps.
speaking about pride coming before a fall.
this morning all three boys had dentist appointments.
you've seen our dentist.
it's like a magical dentistry playland.
avery and finley have always been amazing at the dentist.
not one ounce of resistance or fear.
i always felt a bit smug when other kids were wailing or fighting the dentist as my two boys cooperatively sat there and got their teeth cleaned.
then we had sawyer.
oh mercy, that child is psycho about the dentist.
don't you dare put that spinny toothbrush in his mouth.
you might come away with one less finger.
our appointment 6 months ago was a real treat with me sweating, holding a tiny baby ruby who hated her car seat and pretty much laying on top of sawyer to keep him down.
luckily today he didn't actually scream bloody murder.
but he did manage to spit the contents of his mouth out all over the sweet hygenists, kick his feet and clamp his mouth shut.
it. was. awesome.
thank goodness for children...they keep you humble.
and so does backing into your husband's car.
oh also, i wanted to tell you....i totally want to reply to your comments that you leave me.
i've been replying to your comments on my page and have felt so on top of things.
well, now i realize that those don't get emailed to you...i think you actually have to come back here and see if i responded to your comment or question. is that right?
i'm a technical genius.
i can email respond to some of you but some of you are no-reply bloggers.
do you know what that means?
here's tutorial to fix that. :)
have a happy thursday!
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012
mother letters
do you need some mama encouragement today?
my friend amber and her husband seth have curated an ebook, called Mother Letters.
what started as a sweet gift from seth to amber has become so much more.
it is encouragement for all of us mamas out there who need to be reminded, again, that we are not alone.
the ebook releases today and i cannot wait to get my hands on it.
"The letters were to be written by mothers, and were designed to share stories, encouragement, or wisdom with other mothers."

mother letters is having a link up party today through mother's day to share your mother letter.
share yours or be encouraged by reading those posted there.
this is mine . . .
Dear Mother,
Motherhood is so complex. There is nothing that could have prepared you for this. You just have to walk in it. Sometimes it's so good and sweet and overwhelmingly wonderful that your heart might burst. Other times, it's so lonely and frustrating and just, honestly, irritating. Being a mama makes your heart hurt so bad in your chest at the thought of your babies ever leaving the safe little bubble that you've created for them. You want to do it right. And perfect. And love them so well. And nurture their soul. And stimulate their mind. And teach them to be great. You also want to let them go enough so that they learn to spread those wings and become who God created them to be. My heart tightens in my chest at the thought of them being hurt in any way. I want to swoop in and protect and just generally be there for them at all times . . . loving them and encouraging them and letting them know that I'm there. Motherhood holds the most extreme joy and intense pain all at the same time. Much like childbirth...pain and joy all intertwined and messy. Being a mama is not for wimps. Part of you is walking around in the world and separating from you more with each passing day.
But it is so, so good.
It is the hardest and most amazing job you will ever do.
It is a good work.
And Jesus is with you every step of the way.
Blessings sweet mama,
*something wonderful....mother letters gives back. a portion of every ebook sale goes to the Mercy House in Kenya.
p.s wouldn't this ebook be a wonderful mother's day gift or gift for a new mama?
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my friend amber and her husband seth have curated an ebook, called Mother Letters.
what started as a sweet gift from seth to amber has become so much more.
it is encouragement for all of us mamas out there who need to be reminded, again, that we are not alone.
the ebook releases today and i cannot wait to get my hands on it.
"The letters were to be written by mothers, and were designed to share stories, encouragement, or wisdom with other mothers."

mother letters is having a link up party today through mother's day to share your mother letter.
share yours or be encouraged by reading those posted there.
this is mine . . .
Dear Mother,
Motherhood is so complex. There is nothing that could have prepared you for this. You just have to walk in it. Sometimes it's so good and sweet and overwhelmingly wonderful that your heart might burst. Other times, it's so lonely and frustrating and just, honestly, irritating. Being a mama makes your heart hurt so bad in your chest at the thought of your babies ever leaving the safe little bubble that you've created for them. You want to do it right. And perfect. And love them so well. And nurture their soul. And stimulate their mind. And teach them to be great. You also want to let them go enough so that they learn to spread those wings and become who God created them to be. My heart tightens in my chest at the thought of them being hurt in any way. I want to swoop in and protect and just generally be there for them at all times . . . loving them and encouraging them and letting them know that I'm there. Motherhood holds the most extreme joy and intense pain all at the same time. Much like childbirth...pain and joy all intertwined and messy. Being a mama is not for wimps. Part of you is walking around in the world and separating from you more with each passing day.
But it is so, so good.
It is the hardest and most amazing job you will ever do.
It is a good work.
And Jesus is with you every step of the way.
Blessings sweet mama,
*something wonderful....mother letters gives back. a portion of every ebook sale goes to the Mercy House in Kenya.
p.s wouldn't this ebook be a wonderful mother's day gift or gift for a new mama?
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Monday, April 16, 2012
our kitchen
this is our kitchen.
this rent house we live in is pretty quirky.
there are things that i absolutely love about it {hello pool. hello huge yard. hello wraparound porch.}
there are also things that are not my favorite.
all that to say, the kitchen is one of my favorite rooms in this house {the living room is also a fave}.
this kitchen is big, bright, open & has tons of cabinet space.
i love how much light this big ol' window lets in.
it is very happy to have such a big window right by our kitchen table.
i also love these vintage curtains.
gray & olivey green floral. perfection.
this is the view, looking toward the front door.
and then this is what you see when you first walk in the front door.
yes, the light fixture is off center....another rent house quirk.
back door and a little girl high chair.
although, i think i'm going to repaint it again.
i just don't love this color in here...i'm thinking a more saturated teal.
yes, our fridge is crazy.
that's life with 4 young children and i'm okay with that.
it says that life is going on in here.
i love white cabs in a kitchen.
it's bright and happy for a room we spend a lot of time in.
another quirk...formica that goes up the wall.
hello house built in 1980.
so that's our kitchen/dining room.
it's not perfectly decorated, but it is happy and functional and evolving along the way. :)
click these links for more info:
*book page wreath
*painting our kitchen table
*hanging plates
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this rent house we live in is pretty quirky.
there are things that i absolutely love about it {hello pool. hello huge yard. hello wraparound porch.}
there are also things that are not my favorite.
all that to say, the kitchen is one of my favorite rooms in this house {the living room is also a fave}.
this kitchen is big, bright, open & has tons of cabinet space.
i love how much light this big ol' window lets in.
it is very happy to have such a big window right by our kitchen table.
i also love these vintage curtains.
gray & olivey green floral. perfection.
this is the view, looking toward the front door.
and then this is what you see when you first walk in the front door.
yes, the light fixture is off center....another rent house quirk.
back door and a little girl high chair.
although, i think i'm going to repaint it again.
i just don't love this color in here...i'm thinking a more saturated teal.
that's life with 4 young children and i'm okay with that.
it says that life is going on in here.
i love white cabs in a kitchen.
it's bright and happy for a room we spend a lot of time in.
another quirk...formica that goes up the wall.
hello house built in 1980.
so that's our kitchen/dining room.
it's not perfectly decorated, but it is happy and functional and evolving along the way. :)
click these links for more info:
*book page wreath
*painting our kitchen table
*hanging plates
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Friday, April 13, 2012
i made these custom yarn wreaths for a friend for her double front doors.
that's my kind of therapy right there.
i think they turned out super cute.
i am currently addicted to bubbly water.
and i don't have to feel guilty about it because it's totally good for you.
i'm so european.
our favorite part of this house: the porch.
it wraps around three sides.
i want to forever live in a house with a giant porch.
it is dreamy.
birthday breakfast.
this was before i got a stomach bug...on my child's birthday.
the timing was not ideal.
thankfully his party was planned for the next day. thank you Jesus.
i was able to drag myself to cherry berry for an after dinner (theirs not mine) birthday treat that night.
we got the added bonus of watching some high school couple make out in the corner.
woo for us.
i make cupcakes from a mix {with a teensy bit extra oil and removed from the oven as soon as a toothpick comes out cleanish} and make my own frosting.
this time dyed blue for the birthday boy.
birthday dinner {one day late} at a hibachi grill.
fun for the whole family.
my little sister hannah got to come along...it was her first time at a hibachi grill so that was super fun too. :)
making meg's cheesecake the night before easter.
and trying not to bury my face in it.
after 41 days of no dessert, i was ready.
and it was worth the wait. again. it is the best cheesecake ever.
aj does all the ironing in this house.
thank goodness.
i am horrible at it.
and he is gracious and has taken that task on from the get go.
i found it so irresistably sweet to watch him iron his baby girl's first ever easter dress.
i can see him doing that for years to come.
and he does it with such love.
he is over the moon for that little daughter of his.
don't you dare put socks on those toes.
she needs to be able to grab them and stuff them into her mouth at all times.
happy, happy girl.
it was a little bright for little miss blue eyes, but she was loving the swing yesterday. :)
she cooed and babbled the whole time.
and i just love her squishy little hand in that pic.
i'm linking up again to jeannett for instafriday....
you should read her blog, she's super funny.
p.s. if you want to follow my instafeed, i'm saragood2bqueen
p.s.s. you don't have to have an iphone to do instagram, just google around to see what phones work. plus there's some website that you can follow instagram on your puter. let me know if you try this!
have a happy weekend! it's fridayyyyyy!
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