left to right...
1. sweetie girl looks so cute pulling up all the time. LOVE her in leggings.
aaahhh, girl clothes. i die.
2. homeschool space all ready for our first day of homeschool.
3. our friend zach told us that his mom always made chocolate chip cookies on the first day of school and now they carry on that tradition with their kids.
i thought that was so sweet so we are copying and starting that tradition as well.
4. oh my goodness....aren't they so sweet when they're sleeping?
angel baby.
5. ruby's first peanut butter sandwich.
okay she didn't actually eat any of it because she is miss picky pants.
silly girl.
6. a sucker keeps a little fourth child happy while she watches big brothers ride creepy carnival rides.
7. avery was dying to ride the biggest, scariest, ricketiest looking ride at the festival.
we settled on this one and we were both happy.
did you know i'm not a fan of parking lot carnival rides? i'm not.
8. love her that sweet little hand.
9. and that smile.
1. trying to be a good mom and sit down and play a game with my boy who asked me.
trying to ignore the laundry and cleaning and to-do's.
somedays it's easier than others.
i have to remind myself to chose what's most important.
2. sweet back to school basket from a very thoughtful friend.
3. holding onto summer and taking advantage of warm days.
{glad we did . . . it's been pouring rain all morning}
4. now that the weather has cooled off our garden is finally taking off.
we've started getting some zucchini.
our basil is still going to town and our pumpkin & watermelon vines are rockin' and rollin'.
reeeeallly hoping we get some pumpkins this fall.
5. sweet fuzzy, white hair.
6. our little fam went out last night for a pre-birthday dinner.
it was so fun and the kids behaved so well.
that was a gift in and of itself.
we don't eat out a lot so generally our kids act really well when we do eat out.
it's a treat for us all!
7. the hibachi grill is fun for the whole family.
and so dang yummy.
8. my last night of being 33 and i'm happier than ever.
life is better than i ever dreamed it and i am so very blessed.
9. chocolate. mocha. torte.
yeah. it's amazing.
{thank you betsy!!}
happy weekend, y'all!

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