some instagrams from the last few weeks . . .
2. we had a sunny saturday perfect for packing up the garage.
3. in all my packing/purging festivities i found our wedding program circa 2000. happy youngsters. :)
4. love having some sweet time with my sawyer when the boys are at school.
5. tutu and teddy bear cuddles.
6. i told sawyer he was getting to play soccer this spring. he ran away & came back with this outfit on...complete with dress socks and arm guards on his legs.
7. sold!!!
8. i love fabric. how fun is this from hob lob?!
9. AJ wears a tie every tuesday. i find many of his ties while thrifting. that week was in honor of our favey show, duck dynasty.
10. i love having my car full up of these sweet children.
11. ruby looked like a beast next to her baby cousin.
12. doing what we do best when we go to kansas....lots of game playing. my favorite.
13. it's not family unless you're getting your eyebrows waxed at the kitchen table.
14. ruby had her first egg hunting experience while we were there. she's a fan.
15. happy first day of spring from snowy arkansas. so glad this sunday should be warm (!!!)
16. we have a laundry *room* with a door and it's not a pass through. hal-le-lu-jah.
we've started on ruby's room.
one corner is done. :)
i'm not changing much in her room so it should go pretty fast.
and one little sweet corner of the kitch.
my grandma's cookbook from when she was first married and my granny's bread box & strawberry jelly dish make this corner extra happy.
we dyed easter eggs today.
whew. it was a wee bit hectic.
always is, but we let sis be involved this year.
maybe not my best plan ever.
but we got it done and we'll be eating boiled eggs for dayyzzzzz.
happy friday and happy weekend y'all!!
do you instagram? i'm itsgoodtobequeen if you want to follow along. :)
link up your instas with me here . . .

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