Friday, June 28, 2013

Thrifted Thursday {on friday}

oh my word.
i get the lamo blogger award.
yeah. i totally forgot to do thrifted thursday yesterday!
like, it never even crossed my mind.
my brain has gone to mush. that's all there is to it.

we have had a really fun, very summery week this week.
it's blazing hot....just the way i like it.
AJ has worked late several nights, but it's been okay.
we've spent a bunch of time outside and i have the bug bites to prove it. ;)

okay on to my thrifted finds...

oil painting in original frame.
this pic doesn't do it justice....i'll just tell's awesome. :)
and it's large.
this is another item my friend stacy brought me from cleaning out her grandma's house.
i may find a spot for it in our room...if i figure out what i'm doing in there.

my mom brought me this sweet little book that she found while thrifting.
aaah...i love it.
i love old books.
this one just has such a sweet cover and it's the original edition...1881!!!
so cool.

i love an old book with an life to the book.

the boys and i discovered pressed flowers in it this cool!
makes me wonder about dorothy and why those flowers were precious to her. :)

mom also brought me these vintage bingo cards.
i die.

i found this vintage floral plate at the thrift store for 50 cents.
it says england 1551 on the back. crazy.
i added it to my ever evolving plate wall in the dining room.

i plan to keep adding to it over time.
i love my house to look like it's been collected over time...i think that makes it so cozy. :)

my mom brought me these goldtastic mirrors to spray paint for my booth.
i thought i'd try them on my wall in the dining room and i like them! :)
i may not love them forever but they make me happy right now.
thanks mom!

so it's friday and we have nothing going on so i may try to get out and do some yard saling this morning.
with my four may be crazy!
i might need to stop by the bank and get them free popcorn for their troubles.  :)

have a great day y'all. :)

i LOVED seeing your fun thrifted finds from last week!!!!
won't y'all join me again?? :)

Link up your thrifted finds this week!

1. Thrifting at This Little Light  

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Monday, June 24, 2013

ladies, ladies, ladies.

i had the best weekend.

girls' weekend.
we look forward to it all year. 
six of my college girlfriends and i get together for a weekend every summer.
this is our 13th year to do it.

we are spread across a few states...some closer than others...but we make it work and get together for a weekend of catching up, relaxing, eating, sleeping in and really just being girls instead of mamas for a weekend.
it's good for the soul.

friday was such an exciting day...anticipating the weekend...meeting up and getting sonic drinks for the drive to the lake house.... laughing and talking all the way there. :)

we ate every meal out on the deck in front of the lake.
so, so peaceful.

saturday was such a blast with sleeping in, eating a big breakfast {slowly with coffee :)} and heading out to the lake.

i. love. the. lake.
seriously, put me in front of a body of water and i am happy.
i could stay out there all day long.
so, so fun....these pictures put me right back there.
such a happy, carefree day.

we usually get dressed up and go out to eat on our girls' weekends but this year we just decided to head to soda steve's for a late lunch in our swim suits.
it was super yummy.

after that we headed back to the cabin...changed into sweats and hung out there for the rest of the night.
so fun.
these mama's needed to relax and we sure did. :)

i am so beyond thankful for these girls, their friendship and our commitment to do this weekend every year.
what a gift.
love you girls. :)

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thrifted Thursday {and a LINKY!!!}

Hey Y'all!

Welcome to Thrifted Thursday. :)

okay so i have a super busy day today so i am going to try to be brief and let the pictures do the talkin'. :)
so once again, as summer has seemed to be, i haven't done my normal thrifting....but . . . and it's a big mom and my friend stacy have saved the day. :)

my friend stacy has been cleaning out her grandma's house and my mom has been cleaning out my grandparents' between the two of them, i have some amazing vintage goodies hanging out in my house right now.

so here are a few of my favorites....

vintage backgammon game.
i have no idea how to play it...but it sure looks pretty.
and that's what counts, right?

glassware, frames, doilies.
i think the glass juice pitcher would be adorbs used as a vase stuffed full of daisies.

the quilts.
oh my heavens, the quilts.
hand stitched perfection.
my mom thinks that her grandma made these.
i love them, i love them and i don't care who knows it.
i think i started hyperventilating a bit when she brought them by.

pretty sure vintage quilts are my love language.
that's a thing, right?

this beaut is already on the end of our bed.
sure, it smells like old lady perfume, but that's part of the charm.  :)

the middle one with lots of pinks and purples and flowers is draped over ruby's chair in her room.
love the mix of plaids and florals on the top two.
seriously, perfection.
the blue and red plaid will be used in the boys' room in some fashion....ooooh, just thought of it, i'll drape it on the couch upstairs in the playroom.
yes. ma'am. i am happy about that. :)

stacks of vintage, hand-crocheted linens.
i die.
the hours that were put into these.

the more tattered ones will be turned into various crafts like this one....

i made that sweet little hoop on saturday with a bit of one of the pillowcases that had been already been cut.
some of the linens will go to the booth but i am keeping plenty for my decorating fancy. :)

i believe that i should turn a couple of these pillowcases into dresses for miss ruby, don't you think?

okay so i didn't really let the pictures do the talking.....i never was very good at brevity.

so what have y'all found while thrifting, yard saling, trash picking, curb lifting, craig's listing, grandma's house snooping lately????

if you've posted about it, please join us and link up for our first ever....

Thrifted Thursday Linky {!!!}


 *please link up to your specific post, not your blog home page
 *also, i'd love for you to link back here with either a text link or you can use my button from the       sidebar. :)

thrifters of the world, unite! :)

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Monday, June 17, 2013

oh, good grief.

well today started off with a bang.

i was so looking forward to a calmer week after our crazy week of toting kids to and fro during basketball camp.
also, we had a very full day yesterday.
like fall in bed in complete exhaustion at 9:30, full.
good.......just, full. if you follow me on instagram, you saw this amazing marble topped side table that i posted last week......

i love it.
it is the perfect little table that i had been looking for to put beside my chair in our bedroom.
nice and small and vintage and just dang pretty.
well, i received two of them, so the other one was sitting in our dining room {that's the first place it landed} waiting to go to the booth.
i have gone to my booth twice since i got that table and forgot to grab it both times.
it was in the worst possible spot...right by where you walk.

several times i have walked by it and thought, "that's a terrible spot for that, one of the kids could pull that over on their foot."
note: the marble top is not connected, it just rests on the base.
and of course, i left it there because i was probably thinking about ten other things at that moment.
seriously, i'm sure God was nudging me to move the dang thing and i didn't listen.

so on to this morning, we're all getting ready to head out the door and i hear AJ yelling for me.
he's saying "Sara! come right now!"

you know what happened.
sawyer tripped and fell into the table and the marble top {weighing at least 5 pounds} falls onto his foot.
ugh....that makes my stomach hurt just typing that.
his toe looked terrible. 

i tend to panic when one of my children gets hurt but i knew i had to get it together and take care of the situation.
somehow i washed his pitiful little toe.
i was shaking so much.....there was so much blood and it just looked awful.
i wrapped it up the best i could, AJ worked out a way for him to ride in the car with his foot elevated and we were off to the ER.

thankfully we were seen really quickly and we hardly had to wait any time for x-rays.
sawyer is such a tough little guy.
once we got to the ER he stopped crying and didn't cry again.
he has a little taggie blankie that he sleeps with.
he kept wringing it with his hands or gnawing on it, but he never cried.
i knew it hurt but he was so, so brave.

they had to wash his toe and move his foot all around on the x-ray table and he did so great with everything....never made a peep.
i would have been crying if it were me.

so there may be a little fracture in his toe...they couldn't tell for sure, but they wouldn't treat it anyway, so they didn't re-do the x-rays.
he will lose the toe nail and i am praying that it grows back properly.

seriously this kid is amazing.
they said he did better than most adults.
i believe that.

so he spent the day watching movies.
i changed his bandages every time he bled through them....i will spare you a picture of his toe.
you're welcome.
i'm praying that his little toe heals amazingly fast.
it still looks really awful and i want him to be able to enjoy summer time and run and play again soon.

i have felt so horrible that i let that happen to my baby and could have prevented it.
it makes my mama heart so sad.
i hate to see my boy in pain.
but i'm just going to have to let it go....because it did happen and i can't change that now.
i'm praying that i will listen when i hear God's voice...
and be obedient.

things i am thankful for:

he didn't lose his toe {seriously. i was nervous}.
i was with him and could be the one to take care of him.
this didn't happen yesterday {father's day/swim party/slipnslide w/ neighbors}.
tyelnol with coedine.

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Friday, June 14, 2013


hey y'all.
it's been a crazy week around here.

our big boys had basketball camp at jbu  so our "schedule" was all upside down.
finley went for a half day and avery went all day...getting home about 9 every night.
i woke up on monday and thought it was friday. ha.
no bueno.
on wednesday, i woke up and said "it's the last day of basketball camp."
it ended thursday. it's been a weird, long week.
i am so so happy that my boys got to go...but i am also happy to chill out a little bit. ;)

the great thing was that they went with 6 other providence friends so the mamas were able to carpool these little guys to get them to and fro all week.
they had a great week and loved it so much.

at the end of avery's camp they had an awards ceremony.
avery won the "golden eagle award" {for good heart and attitude all week} out of his entire age group.
so, so special and a really big deal.
they said it was all the awards combined and it is something that all the coaches voted on.
we are so very proud of our boy.
if he could win any award, that is what we would want.

he also won a gatorade shot of the day award that day so it was a pretty good day for avery. :)
so thankful that God blessed my boy in that way.

love these sweet providence boys!

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

thrifted thursday

hey friends. :)
if you're hopping over from apartment therapy today...welcome. :)

thursdays are the day i share my thrifted finds for the week. 
also . . . fun news . . .  because everyone loves to see a good thrifted treasure . . . starting next week, we'll have a thrifted thursday link up right here. :)
i can't wait! 
so you have a week to get your posts all ready to go. 
your post can be about anything thrift related....thrift shopping, yard sale scores, craig's list finds, etc.
yay. :)
can't wait to see what you all come up with!!

so . . . i have a dining room full of vintage goodies that i can't wait to sort through and show you....but for today, i want to show you a couple of great new pieces that we got for our breakfast nook. 
the breakfast nook that we don't actually eat in at all. ;)

when we knew we were moving to this house, i started looking for a small desk.
i knew we were moving the big desk to avery's room.
i really don't need much of a desk because i just haul the laptop wherever i am.
i just needed a place to basically store officy type stuff. ;)

i found this sweet small secretary at a consignment sale a few weeks before we moved.
love it.
it's nice and small, pretty lines and i love the vintage glass knobs.
did not love the weird, fleshy color.

i spray painted that sucker with a few coats of glossy charcoal gray spray paint and now she is perfect.
a secretary should be called a she, right? ;)

she even has a pull out tray.
not sure what i'm going to put on those little, small shelves...... if you read my last instafriday post or follow my instagram, you know i am over the moon for our new {old} piano.
my parents just moved and gave us their piano.
i am beyond thrilled with it.
so this wasn't technically thrifted, but it was free so that counts. ;)

i. love. it.
it's gorgeous and perfectly vintage, just the way i like things. :)

we have wanted a piano in the house for a long time.
my boys have been practicing piano on a keyboard for years, so this is a huge blessing.
i love hearing them play and avery will play the doxology for me anytime i ask. :)

 i'll show you the rest of the "breakfast nook" soon...still trying to figure out the arrangement.

okay friends....what thrifted treasures have y'all found this week?

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

kids summer craft revisited {sidewalk paint}

 so....i started looking through my blog for kids crafts that we've done to see what would be fun to do this summer.
and that prompted me to make a new tab up there to put all the kids crafts in one spot.
{you'll have to click over if you're in a reader ;)}
i'm not promising that i found all of them...i've been blogging since 2007, but it's a start. :)

anyhoooooo.... i found the chalk paint we did and decided that would be perfect.

okay so this is a fan favorite around here.
it's super easy to whip up and you probably have all the stuff in your kitch.

you mix 1/4ish cup of cornstarch, 5-6 drops of food coloring, and water.
stir it until it gets the consistency you want.
i just had food coloring gel so i just gave each bowl one really big squirt. :)

i like to pour it in a muffin tin bc it's easy to deal with....not required obviously.

this is a great craft if you're like me and have a big age range of kiddos.
little one year old ruby loved it and so did my big ten year old avery boy.

love those little creative minds workin'.  :)

yes. it's messy.
but it's outside mess so it's no big thing.

and bonus, it all washes away in the rain and comes right out of clothes.

when you're done, tell your kids to go wash off in the spicket and your work here is done.

i think crafts are such a fun way to make summer fun and create great memories with your kids. :)

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