Thursday, August 23, 2007

Wish You Were Here

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  1. Um, your shoulders look super sexy!

  2. Also, I'm totally jealous that you're at that beautiful beach with your husband and kiddos, while I'm sitting here barefoot and pregnant!

  3. I wish i were there too!!!!!

    Then again... being home with three kids having the stomach flu does have its perks! :) As soon as I think of one i will let you know..

  4. Really, you need to change your title to something along the lines of "Wish you looked this good in a swimsuit" or "Wishing you my body after 2 kids" or "Wish everyone could look this good." Seriously, how many of us look good enough to post a photo of ourselves in swimsuits? And I don't even have kids! So, quit rubbing in in already! :)

  5. well, let's just say, a tank-ini hides a mulitude of sins. :)

  6. Well, my tankini must not be quite as secretive as yours...


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