Thursday, September 20, 2007

Workin' Hard for the Money

Well, I am a business woman and I am EXHAUSTED. Some of you know that I have my own little business, 2 Blonde Boys. It has kind of evolved over the past year, but really exploded in the last month. A little over a year ago I started sewing small baby gifts for people...burp cloths, taggies, etc. Well, then in August, my friend Emily and I got the brilliant idea to have a booth in a craft fair. We had both talked for a while about wanting to have our own business. We thought doing a craft fair would jump start us and get us moving. By the way, Emily makes cards and name plaques and all kinds of cute things with vintage looking paper...her business is called ChocolateBlue. Well, the craft fair ended up being a lot of fun and a nice break from our normal stay-at-home mom life. Then we did another craft fair in the Spring and just did one over Labor Day weekend. Throughout this we have been building our businesses and making connections. I've done small orders for people here and there. Last Spring and over the summer I got really into making hair bows...which is odd considering I don't have a girl to put a hair bow on. :) I really enjoy designing all kinds of different hair bows. Well, my life has been CRAZY since the day we got back from vacation. The day we got back I started getting a ton of nap mat orders. The preschool my boys go to requires a nap mat. I covered Avery's mat and it kind of went from there. So I had 13 nap mats to make over the course of ONE week....many sleepless nights for Sara. Well one of the mother's that ordered a nap mat has a couple of Razorback Spirit stores. When I went by her store to drop off her napmat, I noticed she didn't have any hairbows. Completely out of character, I told her that I make Razorback hairbows if she'd ever be interested in selling them in her store. Well, this turned out to be a divine appointment. She was actually about to go to Canton to find a hairbow vendor and was looking for some "cutsie" stuff to put in her store. So I said, "I'm your girl!" I really had no idea what I was getting into. The next week I brought her some samples of my hair bows and burp cloths. She ordered 336 hair bows and 25 burp cloths....yep, you read that right....and to be done in 2 weeks!!!! So, I got in the car and about threw up. I was so ecstatic but also scared to death, wondering how I was going to get that done. Well, I got the order completed this morning at 3:45 a.m. The past two weeks I have spent EVERY free moment making hair bows. The laundry is completely piled up. I'm pretty sure we have several bills past due and I think I have an ulcer. Seriously. A side note, b/c of the ulcer, I'm not drinking caffeine which made last night's all-nighter VERY rough. I'm not complaining though, I am so very thankful for the work. In the meantime of working on this huge order, I had 2 other small orders. I have 2 craft fairs in October and an open house in November. Yep. Today I got a "doing business as" certificate from the county and then went to the bank to open my own business account w/ my business name. I feel so official! I am so thankful that God is opening these doors for me. This is something I've really wanted and I want to honor the Lord with it. I am staying home with these boys for a reason and I am not willing to neglect time with them or sit them in front of the t.v. so that I can work. So I am now praying that the Lord will show me ways to get it all done and be a better manager of my time.
So here are some pictures.....
This is one of the nap mats that I made.....
Here are some samples of the hair bows I make......
An example of a OSU burp cloth.......

The ever popular Razorback bow!

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  1. Go Sara Go!

    I am so impressed! Ava wears her bow bows with pride and joy!

    Seriously, you are doing a great job!

    Love, Jenny

  2. Your stuff is ADORABLE!!! I am so excited to read about your venture seeing as I'm starting my own. I will definitely have some orders for you when we have kids!

  3. Holy cow, I am in LOVE with the nap mat. I wish Noah needed one at his daycare! I'm sure I'll be ordering one or two anyway just because I am obsessed! I also love the other things; you are SO official with your DBA account and all your products! Congrats!

  4. Hi Sara!

    I kind of came about your blog in a round about way...Jill's facebook, which led to Jill's blog, which led to your blog. I love it!!

    I have to a mother of THREE girls, and 5 nieces, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for you to make me some bows for Christmas time! What a truly awesome venture God has led you on. Congratulations!!

    Steph Kaufman


I love and so appreciate your comments! They make my day. :)