Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree. . .

Well, it is Christmas time at our house! Oh, how I love the Christmas season. Thursday night we started taking down the fall decorations and started putting up the Christmas ones. We finally got everything done today. Well, by "we," I mean "I." AJ and the boys put up the tree and strung the lights. The boys helped me arrange the ornaments. When they weren't looking, I moved them around. Otherwise, our tree would have fallen over with all the ornaments on the bottom foot of the tree. Thankfully, they didn't notice. They were just excited to get to handle all the shiny ornaments!

Here they are, proud as can be of the tree. :)
Avery had been asking to make paper chains. So, yesterday we made Christmas paper chains to hang in his room & the office.
AJ says (jokingly) that it looks like Santa threw up on our front porch. Thanks honey. :) I love it by the way. I have always wanted a little tree for the front porch. They're so cheap the day after thanksgiving, I pretty much had no choice but to get one.

This is the window that I decorate for each season. I will put all the Christmas cards we receive throughout the season around the edges.

Back door wreath...
We even did a little tree for the boys' bathroom. This was really fun. We picked out a little mini tree at hobby lobby (again cheap, day after thanksgiving). They picked out some small blue ornaments as well. Then we came home and decorated it together. I already had the little bucket in their bathroom w/ Q-tips it. So we just stuck the tree down in it (minus the Q-tips). I had some marabou left over from hair bows so we wound that around it to look like snow. The boys (and me too) had so much fun with this. They were so proud. When AJ got home from work, Avery came running out of the bathroom with it, saying, "look, look what we did!" So cute!

Avery and Finley are constantly singing "Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree." We watched Swiss Family Robinson as a family last week and they have been singing it ever since then. I think Avery knows more words from it than I do!

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  1. I love it all! It's so much fun to decorate! Your window idea is super-cute!

    Love, jka

  2. Everything looks so good, Sara...
    I love decorating for Christmas too! Your window idea is super-cute...very creative!

    Love, jka

  3. I have an old window that I pulled out and decorated for Christmas too! I plan on posting some pics soon.

  4. where do you find the energy to do all this?!

  5. Your house looks cute...very cute! Love the little window you decorate....


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