Friday, July 18, 2008

Swim Ranch 2008

Today was our last day of swim lessons.  This is our 5th summer to take the boys to the Swim Ranch.  We LOVE it there.  They have a great program and the boys have fun and learn so much.  This was Finley's last year in the Water Babies class.  I've really enjoyed spending the one-on-one time with him in the pool this week.  AJ came 3 days to watch & sit with Avery and my mom came 2 days.  Finley had a lot of fun this year.  He has been much more timid with water than Avery so it has taken a few years for him to really warm up to it.  He still hangs on to me with a death grip, but he is getting more confident and learning to let go and enjoy it!

He loved getting to ride this alligator to Ms. Virginia. :)
Practicing with the kickboard. . .
Showing how he can go to the wall & get out of the pool by himself. . . 
Finley & Ms. Virginia...we love her!!!
After Finley's Water Babies class was Avery's beginners lane class.  They have 2 teachers and 4 kids in each lane so there is a lot of individualized instruction.   Avery is a fish in the water.  His favorite activity during playtime was throwing a torpedo (or "tortedo" as he calls it) to the bottom of the pool and diving in after it.  When he has his goggles on, he pretty much stays under water as much as possible.  
Practicing his back float . . .
Dog-paddling from one teacher to the other . . .
He was SO excited to jump off the diving board.  When we came on wednesday night for the practice session, he jumped over & over again to AJ.

Pointing to his name on the flag chart . . .
I am so happy that the boys get to go to the Swim Ranch.  They have learned so much and gained more confidence.  We will go as a family one more time to the practice session tonight &  hopefully practice the things they have learned.   :) Pin It


  1. Looks like you guys had a great time! Ava loved looking at the pool pics!

  2. Looks like they did a great job at The Swim Ranch. Come swim with us at our neighborhood pool anytime. It's hard to believe the summer is already half over!

  3. Looks like so much fun! Ms. Virgina taught me to swim also at the Swim Ranch. I started their when I was 6 months old. Gosh, that makes me feel sooo old! ;)


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