So this is what I have been doing in my month long absence from blogging:
How one tiny baby adds so much laundry is beyond me. It could be the fact that he spits after, between, and before every feeding, leaving me with an entire load of burp cloths to wash.
You may remember that Avery goes to Providence Academy two days a week and I home school him the other 3 days. This is what our table looks like on those mornings. Notice my cup of is essential. He does great and really enjoys it. It has taken some juggling now that we have our Sawyer here, but still works out great for us. We almost always do school in our jammies. :)
Notice the laundry piled around me.
This is my favorite thing to do in the evenings. I feel like we are going going going all day long, so I really enjoy just sitting and holding my sleepy boy.
He is already growing and changing so much. I am soaking up each moment with him. He is PRECIOUS.
I can't keep up with our laundry for three as it is. Four seriously scares me, but you give me hope ;)