Thursday, October 29, 2009

I have a story to tell.

It's God's story, really.

Let me start at the beginning.

This summer my dear friend, Melody started a group for young mamas to start memorizing God's word.
I knew it was exactly what I needed.  I've wanted to be diligent in memorizing scripture. I've not at all been consistent.  I knew this would provide the motivation and accountability I needed.  I needed to get back into a consistent pursuit of Jesus.

I asked God to help my mind expand and be able to memorize.  I asked him to use this study and memorizing of His word to change me.  I had no idea.

Little by little, God has been drawing me to Himself.  Showing me more of Him than I've seen in years.  Wooing me.  Refining me. Giving me victory over struggles that I have fought with and fought with and fought with.  God is changing me.  I am a different girl.  He's been preparing me.

For the past few months AJ and I have felt God moving in us.  We have felt God tugging at our hearts and asking us to pour our lives out for Him.  To completely waste our lives on Him.  We have been blessed with an amazing marriage that we do not take for granted.  Luke 12:48 "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."  We're not gonna sit around and pursue an easy, "American dream" life anymore.  We're gonna get our hands dirty.  

We have opened our eyes to the suffering in the world.  We quit turning away because it was too painful to look at.  And now we know too much.  Too much to not act. 

Honestly, we don't totally know what this looks like yet.  But we do know one part of it.

Our church supports a ministry that is devoted to providing families with a hope and future through relationship building activities and programs. They serve students from kindergarten to high school through small group Bible studies, one-on-one mentoring, tutoring, extracurricular activities, and life-on-life involvement.

They have started a new ministry to reach the little ones (infant-preschool age) who aren't yet reached by the program.   The idea is for families to take these children into their homes a few days a week.    They get to learn about Jesus and just play and have fun and be children.

But what could I do?  I have no time.  I'm barely keeping my head above water as it is.  This is impossible.  On my days I'm at home, I'm homeschooling.  But God would not let it go.  It just kept coming back.  I kept telling Him that I needed clear direction.  This was gonna be hard and turn our lives upside down, I needed to know it was Him telling me to do it.  And I just kept being reminded of it.
Last tuesday as I was driving home from our Bible memory group, I said, "Father, if you want me to do this, I need you to tell me for sure. " Immediately in my heart, I had these words, "If you love me, feed my sheep."  I knew it was from God.  It was so clear and so immediate.

I called Betsy and asked if I could come visit her in her home and see how she does life while doing this ministry.   On Monday I went and met a 2 year old little girl.  I was smitten.  She was a doll and kept hugging and kissing Sawyer.  I immediately knew she was gonna be in my home.  I wanted to take her home right then!  I just had a complete and total peace that this was from the Lord.  That God has been preparing me exactly for this.  I can't even describe the peace I felt.

On Tuesday I went and met her family and tomrrow (!!!) I go get her and bring her to my house for the day.   I'm going to start out by having her in our home on Mondays and Fridays and go from there.
I am so excited, I'm surprising even myself.  It's totally the Lord.
I think the hardest part of all will be bringing her back to her apartment.  I already want to go get her and just keep her.  The Lord is going to have to help my heart!

Please if you will, pray for this sweet girl.  Pray for her protection.  Pray that she would see Jesus in us.  Pray that she would not be afraid as she gets to know us.  Pray that she would feel safe and happy with us.  Pray for our family as we adjust.

I'll keep you posted and you know I'll have pictures soon!

Also, thank you to my sweet friends who have blessed us with super cute girly stuff for her.  You are being the hands and feet of Jesus. Pin It


  1. So awesome. I can't wait to hear how it went! I'll be praying for you guys.

  2. Goosebumps! I want to hear more! That is so exciting! I'll drop my stuff off next time I'm in town....and yes...I want to see pictures of this sweetie.


  3. God is gonna do amazing things in this little girl's life, through your faithfulness and obedience to Him. I can't wait to hear more!

  4. Sara...that story about the baby propped heart just hurts. I absolutely cannot stand stories of little ones being mistreated. It breaks my heart that they aren't being loved on and adored. I just don't understand it.

    I am so excited that you are doing this and I am so excited to learn more about this ministry.

  5. This is great! Thank you so much for sharing. I'll be looking forward to seeing how God uses your family in this little girl's life. He is good!

  6.'d it go?!! Looking forward to a post on this topic! Thanks for sharing how God's been working in your life!

  7. I will be praying for you and AJ. It is so amazing when we lay down our lives before the Lord. He is faithful to lead us and to amaze us with His Word when we need encouragement, direction and confirmation. You will be so blessed. Sandra Fuqua


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