Tuesday, November 3, 2009

the non-holiday, in review

So, October could not be over soon enough for me.
What I like about October:
*four family members' birthdays to celebrate
*the fun of autumn...crisp weather, baking, cider, hay rides, pumpkin patches, etc.
What I don't like about October:

I know I am a stick in the mud, but I just hate it.  It cannot be over soon enough.  I hate all that nasty stuff in every store you go in.  And I really hate that creepy guy who stands out on the corner of the road in a grim reaper costume pointing you to the Halloween store.  Seriously.
I do love family traditions and making memories.  So, I try to make the best of it and focus on Fall.
I usually try to find a Fall Festival to go to so that my kids get the fun of dressing up without having to see some kid with a half-bloody face and a hatchet in his hand walking by. 
The boys have a huge box of dress up stuff  and love to dress up all the time. 
On Wednesday we went to a Fall Festival at Finley's preschool and just let the boys pick whatever they wanted from their dress up box.
It's so much easier that way and they are just as happy as can be. 
Since I don't like Halloween anyway, I just decided from now on, costumes will be of the free variety.  i.e.: whatever they can come up with on their own.  Plus that's good for the creativity. :)

On Saturday we carved (and roasted the seeds) from a pumpkin.
That's always a fun family activity.

Avery always has specefic plans for how he wants it to look.
He insisted that AJ cut out hair and a hand on the side. 

That night we went to our friends' house for some fall fun. 
The boys had about 3 different wardrobe changes before they decided on their costume.
This summer I scored a huge box of dress up clothes from our neighbor whose boys had grown out of them, so they had many looks to chose from.

Sawyer = cutest little cow you ever did see (besides when Finley was the cow a few years ago). :)

All the kids at the party had a big time painting pumpkins, eating way too much candy, & bobbing for apples.

Good memories.  Fun times with friends & family.  Glad it's over.
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  1. Bill and I were just talking about that this morning. It was so fun to dress the Pea up and watch him toddle over to the neighbors with a pumpkin in his hand. Not fun to have little girls dressed as prostitutes and teenage boys with blood spattered across their body come to our door.

    I think we'll be Fall Festivaling it at a local church from now on as well.

  2. AMEN! Halloween food creeps me out the most . . . all of my design/home blogs were featuring different foods made to look like spiders, body parts, etc. and it was annoying. AND I'm shocked at how some of the houses around us were decorated. There was one that had two fake men crouched on their roof like they were going to jump down on someone . . . it's hard to explain but I can't wait until they take it down.

    The worst part for me, though, is on Halloween when the girls are wearing next to nothing and call it a costume. I thought it would be tamer this year because it was so cold here, but I was wrong.

  3. Justus is squeeling with delight at your pictures, "Hi! Hi! What are you doing? Oh! Scary pumpkin! That is a square picture. It wasn't a circle picture." Now he is saying, "I want to see Neufeld again. Do Neufeld and Finwey and Neufeld again."

  4. I'm glad you guys had fun celebrating Halloween...i mean....fall fest...i mean randomly dressing up and getting candy for no reason at all.....i mean......whatever....your pictures are cute! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. sighing in relief WITH you. Hate Halloween. Hated it even more this year, as my little boy is actually old enough to be scared by the costume aisle in Walmart. Do like dressing up, though. And pumpkins, etc. It just wasn't a big part of my childhood, I guess. I have such mixed feelings though...I don't enjoy the scary/skanky costumes, nor the license the entire holiday seems to give to some people's evil side--i.e. people actually driving around with really hideous masks on trying to scare other unsuspecting drivers! But I guess there is something kinda sweet and trusting about going to strangers' doors and asking for candy. If only someone could've thought of doing that just for the heck of it. You are so much more eloquent on the subject. Just wanted to let you know, I feel ya. I actually remember you saying to me in high school: "It's just one more way I don't have to be OF the world." So I've pretty much considered you a non-celibrator since. Of Halloween, that is.

  7. The kids are always happy to see Halloween come. I'm always happy to see it go.

    Except for the Baby Ruths. Those I can handle ;)

  8. Thanks for being real! I consider myself a conscientious objector, cuz if I'm a child of God, why am I celebrating something so completely not Him? I didn't have the nerve to say anything on my blog though. Kuddos to you!


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