okay, so miss ruby has a bad habit.
my makeup.
she wants to dig in it constantly. :/
on one hand, i think it's cute and girly that she even cares about makeup....but seriously, it's getting out of hand.
and i have never let her play in my makeup, she just sneaks into my bathroom or my purse when i'm not looking.
all. the. time.
so this is our morning....fun craft time at the kitchen table....
crayons. glue. playdough. markers. the works.
i love my children being creative but then when we're done, i want it all cleaned up.
so we get it all cleaned up, wiped down & swept up and i'm feeling really good about the state of affairs.
then i had that sinking feeling that i hadn't seen ruby in a while.....
she used the. entire. jar.
and of course, not on a wipeable surface.
yes. she wiped it all over avery's shorts and he didn't even notice!!
what in the sam hill?!!
she coated the charger. like in every crevice.
why not throw a little bronzer in there too?
and here's the truth.
i cried so much.
like seriously, couldn't stop.
kind of ridiculous actually.
but i just did not want to spend my day cleaning all this up.
and had no idea how to even deal with it.
and i was ready for us to walk out the door to run errands so we couldn't do that what with ruby being covered in makeup and all.
and bless my sweet boys' hearts, they didn't know what to do with me.
sawyer went and spread a quilt on my bed to make it pretty for me and finley went up to the attic to try to find another blanket for my bed.
so so sweet.
they are going to make great husbands, by the way.
they've had to deal with all of my emotions, they'll be able to handle anything. ha! ;)
anyhow, i just put my comforter in the car and we took it to the dry cleaners to see what they could do with it.
i'm hoping that i got it there fast enough that it hadn't set in yet.
ruby and avery's clothes are currently soaking in hot soapy, oxicleany water.
i worked on the carpet for quite a while and now it's soaking with spot shot.
i know it's just a comforter, and so silly to cry over, but i love it and it's pretty. :)
so that's my shallow post for the day.
me crying over "stuff" that doesn't even matter.
oh sigh.
p.s. AJ met us for lunch and to give me a big hug and all was right in the world. :)
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Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Wild Wilderness Safari
it was so.much.fun.
we have been wanting to take the kids for a while and i'm so glad we did!
we all loved it.
it was AJ, sawyer & ruby's first time to go and the big boys didn't really remember it so that made it extra fun.
there are four big areas where you can go in and hang out with the animals, pet them, pick them up, chase them, whatever you fancy.
i just loved those cute little piggies.
there are all kinds of animals roaming around together, it was crazy!
there were tons of peacocks.
i think those peacocks like each other because they were everywhere.
this kangaroo had a giant baby in her pouch.
more like a toddler.
it looked painful!
big legs sticking out everywhere.
i think i'd be giving that baby the boot.
the safari is so much more fun that the zoo {i think} because you get to be in the pins with the animals.
you do feel like things could go terribly wrong at any moment.
we like to live on the edge.
this peacock seemed to be giving his lady a show.
he kept following her around shaking his feathers at her the whole time we were there.
wow. God's creativity right there.
so fun to talk about with our kids.
how God is the most creative of all and how He created every color every imagined and he provides for his creation with defense mechanisms. so amazing!!!
we spent the whole time amazed at God's handiwork.
also, that peacock there....the blue of his head was amazing.
the deepest cobalt blue but shimmery. breathtaking, really.
the monkeys put on a big show for us. so fun!
so fun to be this close to giraffes!
how beautiful are they?!!!
okay i know this is so many pictures, but i took over a hundred so it was hard to slim down! :)
it was one of those mornings that i wanted to last forever.
you just want to stop the clock.
it is so peaceful out there.
ruby got brave enough to feed the goats.
she loved it!
after all the petting and looking in cages, we went on the drive-thru part which took like an hour.
it was awesome!
the animals came so close!
seriously we were all giddy, exclaiming over every animal.
then she decided she wanted that window back. up. ;)
zebras are so pretty!!!
hey there giant rhino.
there were so many cool animals....white bengal tiger, black bear, lions, hippos, etc.
such a great morning....if you're local, i highly recommend it.
yay for summer!
summer foreverrrrrrrrr. :)
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Friday, July 19, 2013
friday recap
oh hello friday.
i am SO ready for you.
we have had a mostly laid back, super summery week around here.
lots of slip n-slide, playing outside, and just general hanging out. :)
finley has had swim lessons in the afternoons this week.
he is loving it and the others have done really well with watching him every day.....which amazes me because it's blazing hot and they're staring at a pool but i guess they're just used to it. thankful.
on tuesday we went for sno-cone treats as a reward for memorizing verses.
we were surprised with it being $1 sno-cone day! well hooty hoo to that.
sno-cones are my favorite summer treat.
it's definitely a treat for our family and not an every day occurrence so it's super exciting to them when we go. i love it. :)
this boy has been practicing lots of basketball this week.
so fun to watch him shoot but he sure does get hot and sweaty!

sister was on a mission.
marching down the street in her sassy shoes.
oh heavens.
we wrote letters to our sweet nora this week.
we love sponsoring through compassion.
i made the boys purple cows for a treat today.
they were SO excited!
i love their excitement over every little thing....it makes life so fun! :)
okay, better hurry up and get going to sit at another swim lesson with this crazy cat. :)
do you instagram? i'm itsgoodtobequeen. :)
link up your weekly cell phone pics with me over at life rearranged. :)

also high five for friday :)
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Thursday, July 18, 2013
Thrifted Thursday #4!
Hi y'all!
welcome to thrifted thursday, where we share our thrifted {or yard saled or craig's listed or dumpster dived} finds for the week! :)
no thrifting for me this week but i do have a really fun item that is going in my flea market booth {located in All My Treasures in fayetteville, if you're local}.
i showed you that i was making these last week and now i've decided to make up a bunch of them for my booth {or gifts or myself, whatever comes first. ;)}
my neighbor asked what i would charge for them so i decided it would be fun to make up a dozen or so. :)
i am selling them for $5 to people who ask me or $6 in my booth since the store will get a commission.
i will try to not keep them all for myself.
and now, to up the cuteness level of this post, i give you, ruby jane, prettiest thing in red glitter shoes. :)
what have y'all thrifted this week?
please do link up and share your finds!
i'd love for you to link back here and also check out the other links. :)
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welcome to thrifted thursday, where we share our thrifted {or yard saled or craig's listed or dumpster dived} finds for the week! :)
no thrifting for me this week but i do have a really fun item that is going in my flea market booth {located in All My Treasures in fayetteville, if you're local}.
i showed you that i was making these last week and now i've decided to make up a bunch of them for my booth {or gifts or myself, whatever comes first. ;)}
my neighbor asked what i would charge for them so i decided it would be fun to make up a dozen or so. :)
i am selling them for $5 to people who ask me or $6 in my booth since the store will get a commission.
i will try to not keep them all for myself.
and now, to up the cuteness level of this post, i give you, ruby jane, prettiest thing in red glitter shoes. :)
what have y'all thrifted this week?
please do link up and share your finds!
i'd love for you to link back here and also check out the other links. :)
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