Things I want to remember about today . . .Finley squealing with delight as he opened each package.
Avery having a peaceful, happy heart and being grateful for each gift even when he thought Santa didn't bring him a light saber.
Avery saying "this is a great Christmas" on our drive to Grammy's.
Avery saying "this is awesome" about every gift.
Cuddling a sleepy Sawyer on this, his very first Christmas.
Finley saying, "Oh, I have to put my slippers on so I don't get cold" right before our Christmas lunch.
Discovering once again how much my husband loves me and wants to spoil me.
Reading the Christmas story (again) at breakfast.
The boys delighting over each gift, no matter how small.
Feeling humbled by God's blessings to us this year. We are all healthy and our hearts are full.

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