Saturday, November 8, 2008

a momma and her boys

So.....I feel a little weird posting a bunch of pictures of myself...but I want to document this stage of our lives and my pregnancy. I am 9 months pregnant and counting down til my scheduled c-section in 13 days!!! We went out to take some pictures today of the boys and I. We also tried to take a few of our whole family. But, by then we were all getting cold and just took a few shots, none of which I'm thrilled about. I mostly wanted to get some pics of the boys and I. So I count it a successful picture taking experience. I have pictures of me pregnant with each of the older boys, so I wanted to get some with this sweet one as well. I'm really happy with how they turned out. Our new camera really makes it easy. Also, AJ has a good eye for taking photos.

Me and my 3 boys . . .

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  1. I love all of the new posts...cute cute cute pictures! xoxo

  2. The pictures turned out so well... you are adorable and the boys smiles are contagious. I love that about them. : )

    My favorite is the 1st one where Avery is laying his head against you...precious.

  3. Awesome pictures!!! I can't believe you only have 13 days left!!!!!

    How exciting!

  4. Great pics!! Isn't it fun to have a new camera - we sure are enjoying ours. :) I love the pic of Avery's arm around Finley.

  5. Sara and AJ (and boys) congratulations on the upcoming arrival of #3. I enjoy checking in on your blog--seeing familiar faces. I hope all goes well with the delivery. (Claudia Benware Ford)

  6. Those pictures are awesome. I wish I had some like that from when I was pregnant with Jeb. You look great.

  7. Such cute pics! I can't wait to see pics of boy #3 in a couple of weeks!

  8. Those are just about the sweetest things I've ever seen! I'm so excited for you about your new camera!


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