Friday, February 1, 2008

"Snow" Day

So yesterday everything in Northwest Arkansas shut down for the "snow storm." Okay, I will say that I believe there was probably a lot more snow further north than we are, but in our little neighborhood, it was much less than forecasted. We actually didn't get any real snow until about 4:00. I didn't take the boys out all day because I kept waiting for it to get really bad and was afraid to be stuck out in it. Plus, I'm sick and I really didn't have the energy to get us out. It was honestly kind of a long day. But, we made the best of it. Grammy got the boys this awesome "art box" for Christmas. It's a huge tub full of all kinds of neat art things. So what better time to pull out finger paint??! The boys had a lot of fun with it. I realize I'm going to have to let go of my standards of cleanliness in order for my kids to enjoy finger painting! Avery kept wanting to wipe his fingers on the bottom of the table! Crazy kid.

Then painting....this went much better. These are those paint brushes where the paint is contained within the brush. Very nice.

My boys L-O-V-E art. Anything and everything arts or crafts . . . they are on board!

Finally, some snow! The boys all bundled up ready to play. . .

This was the best part of the day! They don't seem to mind the cold at all. They even attempted to make snow angels. They're just wasn't enough snow for much else....maybe we'll try again today!

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1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous you got some snow at all. It got pretty cold here, in the 40s, but not even a flurry. :( You better believe I lit every candle in the house, started a fire in the fireplace, made lots of coffee, and bundled up with blankets and the kids though. I can pretend it's winter!

    I didn't know they made paint that remains in the paintbrush. Noah will never paint with anything else!


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