Monday, May 26, 2008

Look what's on our front porch right now . . .

So, Avery just came in and said, "Hey mommy, there's a turtle outside."  I say okay and come with him, expecting to see a little box turtle.  This is what I almost walk right on top of:

How this turtle climbed that step is beyond me.  Finley was scared to death of it, mostly due to the loud scream I let out when I first saw it.  I was just a little surprised.  Anyhow, AJ tried to pick it up to move it and it about bit his hand off.  So we're just leaving well enough alone.   

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  1. NO!!!! That thing is HUGE!!! I can't believe it wandered on to your front porch!

  2. I would be dead. Dead in a heap on the ground. I can't even look at the picture. You're a brave, brave woman, Sara Neufeld.

  3. Yeah, well, that picture doesn't do it justice. It WAS huge. Then my mom, after seeing my blog, called and told me that if that kind of turtle bites onto you, it's not letting go until you get to the hospital. Yeah. She also said it would come at you. That makes me feel great after we were all gathered around looking at it.

  4. oh my goodness!!! That thing is huge!! We all looked at it! So glad no one was hurt!! Hope it is gone now!
    Side note: absolutely loved seeing you on Saturday! =) Hope yall got some sleep! Miss you girl!

  5. eeeeeek! That thing is ginormous!
    Better you than me snapping those pictures!

  6. That turtle is downright scary! Did its ugly self finally crawl away?

  7. okay...that is crazy!!!! I think I would have had to lock my door and observe it from a distance. I mean it must be some kind of crazy turtle to be able to climb up there!!

  8. HOLY TURTLE!!!!!! I am pretty sure that I would have passed out!!! Kudos to you for not.


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