Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Home & Happy

So we got home from vacation on saturday and life is in full swing.  I will post all about our vacation soon, I'm waiting for pictures from my dad-in-law.  I am busy busy with my 2 Blonde Boys business.  It has gotten pretty busy the last two years during back to school time.  It's really fun and I enjoy it.  Also Avery starts Kindergarten in 3 weeks!!!  I will also blog about that soon.  So life is busy, but happy.  
Also, what is happy is coming home and finding 15 red tomatoes ready to be picked off my plants. Yum.  There is nothing better than a tomato, warm from the vine with some salt & pepper.  My strawberry plants are doing okay...not producing a ton but they do make the perfect sweetness for my bowl of cereal in the morning.  Also Yum.
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  1. I am so impressed. I can't grow anything. Looks yummy.

  2. Oh my word, I am SO very impressed with your tomato and strawberry-growing talents. I would kill them dead immediately if I tried to produce some life on a vine. Those "matoes" as Noah says, look delicious!!

  3. Is it too late to give a name suggestion? I mean, I know I'm on the wrong post and all. I just heard it today from someone's blog and LOVE it.... Stellan. I don't know.. just hit me right.

  4. I'm totally going to put in an order for a lovey now that we know what we're having!!

    I'll talk to you about it at our get-together on Tuesday.

    p.s. it's a girl!!


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