Friday, September 19, 2008

Is there a circus in town?

Do they need a side show?? I could fill in.
So at my doctor's appointment on Monday, I found out that I am measuring THREE weeks ahead...yeah. I don't know why I get so big when I'm pregnant, but I do. Maybe it's because I'm so has no where to go but straight out. People have switched from telling me I just look like I have a basketball in my shirt to grimacing when they look at me. That doesn't help people!! If I have one more person tell me I look like I'm due any day now, I just might break down and cry. I have really enjoyed this pregnancy once I got past the first trimester. But now, people don't look at me with those adoring looks I just get stares everywhere I go and pity looks. I'm not sure if they're trying to determine if I'm a teenage mom or if they're just apalled at my waddle. Okay, enough complaining for one day. I need to go find something to eat. . . Pin It


  1. You look great, Sara! I just polished off 8 mozzerella sticks for a "snack" after lunch....I love having a great excuse to chow down!...Your belly is as cute as can be. xoxo

  2. Oh girlfriend, you are one of the cutest pregnant girls ever! Don't let anyone tell you different. :)

  3. Ahhhh, I remember the days. But, you look so good. Enjoy it while you can!

  4. Whatever-people are just staring because you an unbelievably adorable pregnant lady! Oh-and if it makes you feel any better I'm already measuring 2 weeks ahead.

  5. Hang in really are adorable!! People need to just mind their own business! =) Enjoy the quiet these last 3 weeks! You are loved!

  6. You are not a circus side show. My friend just gave birth tonight to a baby boy who weighed in at 10 lbs, 2 oz. You are petite and adorable!

  7. you've been tagged...check out my last post...


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