Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I've been tagged by Erin so here goes....

1. I LOVE being outside. I always dreamed of living on a farm growing up.
2. I have to have a pitcher of sweet tea in my fridge at all times. I try to limit myself to two glasses a day.
3. I hate putting on makeup.
4. I cannot sleep without at least a sheet on at all matter how hot I am. I'm usually covered up to my chin....b/c the boogie man can't get you when you have covers on.
5. I only like shopping in small doses.
6. My favorite food is a nice, ripe avacado.
7. I am most happy when I'm with my husband.

There you have it. Now I'm tagging, Jenny, Ruth Lee, Jackie, Ashley, Megan well I can't think of anyone else that hasn't already been tagged. sorry.
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  1. Ok, that's so funny about the covers thing because I'm the same way. I feel much safer when I at least cover up with a sheet. Are we weird because of that? :)

  2. Hey there, I'm finally back after negleting my blog (and everyone else's) for over 2 months. It was fun to catch up on reading yours!

  3. Hey Sara!

    I wanted to get back with you about the Big Brother t shirt.. at least I think you are the one who inquired about it. It is from Urban Baby Runway.

    Super cute and really soft.

  4. Okay, strangely, I think I could just use all of your random facts and just copy them to my blog.


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