The boys have been looking forward to the "fall festival" for a month. Yesterday it finally came. The boys and I stayed home all day. It was a long day for them, waiting for it to be time for the fall festival, but we did some fun activities like roasting pumpkin seeds and making pumpkin muffins. When it was finally time to dress up, they were thrilled! It seems like we have been talking about these costumes forever. If you know me, you know I would love to have the whole family dress up with a theme, but the boys have ideas of their own these days. Actually this year it randomly worked out for them. Avery wanted to be a knight and Finley wanted to be a dragon. It was really mom and dad who didn't fit into the theme. Oh well! AJ's work has a costume contest. Just for the sake of winning a monetary prize, he went along with it. He wanted an easy costume. He came up with the idea of Clark Kent and he actually won 2nd prize...woo hoo! I guess I have lost my mind completely these days. I decided to dress up as well. My doctor has randomly been telling me the past few appointments that I should paint my belly for halloween. I just laughed and said, "that's not really me." And it's not. But, again, pregnancy has taken over my brain and inhibitions. It was a really last minute idea and I'm sure my family will be appalled! :)
So here is my sweet little dragon....

A knight and dragon hug. so sweet. :)

Clark silly.

Our friends, the
Kennedy's came by so the kids could show each other their costumes and take pictures...


Our brave knight!

Carrying my own basketball...

The boys were SO excited to carve the pumpkin we got at the pumpkin patch. Hopefully I'll post pictures of our carving excitement soon. We've been talking about how we are like a pumpkin and God puts a light in us to shine in the darkness.
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