Last week Avery graduated Kindergarten.
I thought it was a little hokey that kindergartners have to wear a cap and gown, but whatever, they didn't ask me.
It was actually really neat and meaningful. They played a slide show of different events through the year. There was a line in the song that said something like, "it's only for a moment you were mine to hold." Of course everything went blurry at that point. Then Mr. Ross, the headmaster, prayed and talked about our childrens' first words, first steps, etc. I could see it all. I could see Avery tottling across our living room floor for the first time . . . in those blue fishy jammies with his belly sticking out. I could hear him from his crib saying "mommmmmaaaa mommmaaa." I could see all his firsts in my minds eye. I thought back on this year and all the mornings we sat at our kitchen table, me with my cup of coffee and Avery with his eagerness to learn. It was a lot of work but it was worth every. moment. I knew I would never regret the extra time I had with him and I don't. I am so thankful God led us to this school. I've had the priviledge of spending all these extra moments with my boy that I wouldn't otherwise have. I've had the priviledge of watching him learn to read and memorize the 10 commandments, and talk about everything his curious mind wanted to talk about. I've had TIME with him. I am so thankful. I realized, sitting their in that chair, watching my 6 year old baby boy walk on that will be a BLINK and we'll be doing that again. Only, he'll be an 18 year old boy and he'll be off for new adventures that I won't be part of. For now, I am so thankful I have this time with him. I look forward to years of us learning together.
Here's my sweet graduate.
Love. him.

My 3 little boys.

All of my boys.

Avery and his buddy, Riggs. They weren't in the same kindergarten class, but they had a big time at recess this year.

My and my baby.

Avery's super awesome teacher, Mrs. Keylor. She is a gift from God to our family and our boy.

His class.

Avery receiving his "diploma." He also received the character award for "respectfulness." Mrs. Keylor said Avery is a very respectful little boy and also very creative. :)

Avery enjoying the spotlight. Oh, how he enjoys being on a stage!! She was trying to give him his award and he just kept standing there, smiling, enjoying his moment of fame. :) So funny.

Avery and his best buddy, Titus.

Avery and Ruth.

Grammy and Grandpa David. (Grandaddy, Grandmama and Hannah were also there but I neglected to get a picture with them).

This year literally FLEW by. I can't believe it's almost over...this is his last week of school. I've been feeling very nostalgic this week. Thinking back over this year. Thinking about that first parent training meeting and trying to wrap my mind around this classical education concept.
I'm kind of feeling sad that it's over, but also looking forward to summer and a break from schooling.
Being a momma is a hard thing for sure. Stretched so thin at times and desperate for a break...but also desperate for time to stand still for a minute so I can catch my breath. Either way it's a gift and I'm more than thankful for it.
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