i love photos and i love capturing little moments throughout our days.
also, it's pretty much the only app i have because i have sooooo many photos on my phone taking up all the space.
it's so hard to delete them!
whenever people ask me "what's new with you guys?" i never really have anything glamorous to say.
we're just doing life.
one day at a time.
a happy life with our little peeps.
we like it. :)
i also like these vintage thermoses.
perfect for hot chocolate on a cool fall day.
i kept the coleman and sent the thermos to the booth.
we went to visit my mom & david's house a couple of weekends ago.
ruby had fun exploring outside and looking at my mom's pretty flowers.
they live way out in the country on the prettiest land.
we always love a visit out there.
i walked by his room the other day and saw him and thought, "man i love homeschooling."
also, i was a teensiest bit jealous and wished i could curl up in my bed with a book. ;)
but mostly just really happy that this is his life.
on the 16th we had the joy of celebrating AJ's birthday.
the kids get so excited about birthdays and they each made him a sweet card.
ruby kept saying, "birtday! birtday!"
AJ and i got to have a lunch date on his birthday.
so. fun. seriously best idea ever.
i made the best cheesecake in the history of ever and we had fun celebrating as a family that night.
i like to send AJ pictures throughout our day and he loves receiving them.
they can't all be just adorbs photos of the kiddos.
sometimes i gotta send the ones of our kids being total goobers.
like ruby wearing ginormo plastic ears and being super proud of herself. :)
to his future wife: you're welcome.
finley loves to vacuum and i love to let him. :)
also, saturday morning cleaning makes me super happy.
AJ took work off this whole week and the boys are on fall break.
we are having the best time.
we went to mt. kessler and it is my new fav-o-rite place.
seriously, i fell in love.
it is gorgeous.
our family loves to go hiking together.
many of our best family times and memories are of being out in the woods together.
love. it.
that is my child flying over my head at silver dollar city.
avery has NO fear. none.
deep breaths, mama. deep breaths.
ruby rode her first kiddie ride.
i was so proud of her.
little miss is getting brave. :)
we even got to meet up with my friend christy and her sweet girls for a few hours yesterday.
such a treat.
{nice face, ruby}
so that's us lately. what are y'all up to?

{if you instagram, i'm itsgoodtobequeen :)}
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