Friday, July 13, 2007

Good times at the Kennedy's

I wanted to post some pictures of Avery & Finley's best friends. This picture is so telling. Our kids have SO MUCH FUN together. They just play their little hearts out. Should I be disturbed that Avery's favorite thing is to try on Catherine's dress up clothes?? Easton has a whole trunk of "boy" dress up clothes like fireman, etc. Avery ran into the living room and said, "I'm a princess!!" hmmmm..... Look at Catherine's sweet smile, She's such a doll!

Look at Catherine and Finley's cute hug! So sweet. Avery didn't want to hug Easton b/c Easton didn't have a shirt on....Ummm...Avery, you're wearing a tutu.
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  1. Considering just days before Avery was "feeling up" the Gap Mannequin, I wouldn't be worried about the dress. :) LOL!

  2. Oh my gosh--I LOVE princess Avery. Maybe I'll get him some lip gloss for his birthday. :) Great photos!


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