Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Ramrons Unite . . .

It was such a good time! This past weekend was our 7th annual "girl's weekend." There are 7 girl's from college that get together one weekend each summer since we graduated in 2000. Each year has been different. The first few years we were all newly married and just reconnecting. Now we are all mothers who enjoy laying around by the pool for hours upon end with no interruptions. Although we miss our husbands and children, it is such a wonderful, refreshing time. We always pick right up where we left off. We email on and off throughout the year depending on what is going on in our lives. We have already gone through so much with each other, it is amazing to think of what other roads we will travel together. Although many of us live far from each other, we know that no matter what we are going through, there are 6 other girls out there who would be on their knees in prayer in an instant for us.

This year will be remembered for the fact that many of the girl's were pregnant (not me), "tender" was the word of the weekend, and Kelly thought Jackie should go on vacation with Greg and her mom (who by the way is in HEAVEN).

Also, I need to give a shout out to my b.f.f. from college, Jackie. She is the one who inspired me to start this blog in the first place. Her blog, by the way, is a great read. It's the runaround-sue, listed under "blogs I read." She was by my side through many rough times in college and can make me laugh like no one else. I love her!!

Now, back to everyday life as a full time mom. I will leave you with a sweet little story to keep you warm at night. A couple of days ago I was with the boys, at The Gap. I was trying to pay for something, and Avery was gone. I begin to look around quickly to make sure no one was kidnapping my child, and there I see him . . . feeling up the mannequin. Yep, that's right, he's standing underneath the girl mannequin with his hand up her shirt, touching the fake boobies. So proud.

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  1. Oh my gosh--I'm so happy you put that little story about avery and the mannequin. priceless. :)


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