Wednesday, July 25, 2007

It's Official . . .

. . . I am the world's biggest klutz. Seriously....yesterday I broke my toe. Yep. The boys were taking a nap. Okay, Finley was taking a nap and Avery was "resting"....and by resting I mean laying in his bed singing at the top of his lungs. I was hurrying around trying to get stuff done. I went into the living room and caught my pinkie toe on the corner of the couch....well the rest of my foot continued forward and my pinkie toe did not. It made a lovely popping sound. I laid on the floor, did my Lamaze breathing, and told my self, I birthed two babies, I was not going to cry over my toe. At this point I thought I'd just stubbed it. Anyhow, as the pain did not subside and the top of my foot turned purple, I realized, I had indeed broke my toe. Great. So now I'm limping all around. Right now I'm trying my hardest to dip my foot into ice water (which AJ insisted on)....but I am much too big a wimp for this. It's painful! So I am dipping my foot every few minutes for as long as I can, which is like 30 seconds. I'm not sure if this is helping at all, but it's better than nothing I guess. I feel cool. Pin It


  1. Oh my goodness I can't believe you did that! I'm so sorry; toes can hurt so bad. I hope Avery is pampering you since he knows what it's like to break a bone!

  2. will this hurt your new running habit?


  3. Big time OUCH! Hope it's getting better. I posted a pic for you but don't be too excited yet...there is no fanny pack in it. I'm smarter than that! I've enjoyed reading your blog and I'm going to link up with you! Your boys are just TOO adorable!

  4. Hey Sara.... I have broken my toe before...ouch! I am not even kidding when I say that I would rather give birth than have a broken toe. My eyes are watering for you!!!


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