Friday, April 23, 2010

because i wish you could have been there too.

yesterday was a fun day. 
i told you that i was co-hosting a benefit for our sweet friends who are moving to India soon.
mel and i got to the barn in the morning to set up.

we kept saying we felt like we were setting up for her wedding. it was so exciting.
this barn was the coolest place.  would definitely be a great place for a wedding.
but also perfect place to celebrate your friends and listen to them be all talented and such.
tons of people came.
we had food.

and a kickin' silent auction.
i so wanted this canvas my friend ashley made. 
i even held it up all around my house to see where i'd put it.
but it was a hot item.  people were fighting over it. so i didn't win it.
it was great to see so many people there to listen to great music and support our friends.
it was really above and beyond what we hoped for.
and did i say fun?
and so you can feel like you were there too, here's a little video of the final song. those boys on the stage behind him are the strum brothers.  dave's sweet junior high boys that he's been working with at New Heights
and you can even spot me in this video if you care.

i'm so thankful for the good memories we made.
i've been listening to the cd they gave out.  my heart is full and at the same time so tight in my chest.
i know that the days of spending time with them in person are coming to an end.
and selfishly, i hurt at that thought.
but there are people in India who need them.  need them to be to them what they have been to us.
and i am excited to watch their journey and see them be obedient to God who is calling them to go. Pin It


  1. Are they selling that CD for those of us that were unable to go to the concert? It looked amazing; great job!

  2. oh so fun!! what a blessing! praying for you as you prepare to send them off!! =)

  3. Wow, that barn was gorgeous! If I owned it, I'd want to keep the tree with lights up year round. :-)

  4. Great pictures! I love the one of Dave & Mel from up above (and the one of the boys with their arms cute!!!).

  5. WOW. Yes, I do wish I could have been there! Looks amazing.

  6. What a beautiful event!!!! This is such an exciting time for your friends - glad you all got to celebrate their obedience to the Lord!

  7. thanks for posting this Sara. I love you. Thanks for all the work you did.


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