Friday, April 29, 2011

around here lately

the boys are playing baseball.
aren't they so adorable in their uniforms?

 on wednesday avery finally lost one of his top front teeth.
that thing has been loose for over a year.
i thought it was going to wittle away to nothing before it ever fell out.
he looks pretty cute, i think.
not looking forward to the big honkin grown up tooth that will replace it.

no we did not go to the creek.
that's our yard.
 or was.

all that rain that hit alabama, hit us first...except it was stable when it was here.
no tornados, thankfully.
so sad for all those hurting families in AL right now. :(
anyhow, we had like a foot and a half of rain & flood conditions.
several families in our church had major flooding in their homes & lost a lot.
we had a nice layer of water in our detached garage.
thankfully most of the cardboard boxes that were out there were garage sale.
the only thing i was worried about was the old wicker bassinet that, at one time, held my niece, nephew, little sister, & all my babies.
thankfully it was in the one dry spot and aj was able to get it up off the floor before more rain came.

i took sawyer to get his hair cut today.
we went to a new place, pigtails and crewcuts.
it was awesome.
sawyer, who is not a fan of being messed with, actually tolerated this hair cut.
how could he not?
he had a flat screen in front of him playing toy story, he was riding an airplane & he had a cup of animal crackers.
tough life, kid.
they also have a play room, a train table, bubbles, suckers & and a prize box.

and yes, that is my 8 and 6 year old sitting in the kiddie cars.

the big boys have ONE more week of school! yay!!
so looking forward to a nice long break with my boys.
bring on summer!! Pin It


  1. Seriously, Oklahoma must be the capital of fun kids' places. First the awesome dentist and now this cute barber shop . . . I'm jealous.

  2. Sorry . . . Arkansas. I realized that as soon as I hit "publish."

  3. They are too cute in their uniforms. I am looking forward to our guy playing. His daddy played from age 4 through high school so he is itching to get his boy out there.


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