last weekend we did a little overnight camping trip with our friends.
it was seriously so. fun.
i think we all needed to just get out and get away so it was really therapeutic.
i absolutely love camping and i look forward to doing more and more of it as our kids get older.
they're so manly.
AJ is not going to be thrilled with me for posting this but i don't care.
it's my blog and i can do what i want. :)
plus this pretty much sums up their friendship. . . they are hilarious together.
we made it easy and had hot dogs, chips and s'mores for dinner.
they even got cans of sprite so that was pretty exciting.
ruby did so great for her first camping trip in a tent.
we set up her pack n' play right in the tent and used a sound machine app on aj's phone.
it worked great!
also, i love her in a hoodie and fleecy jammies. adorable.
mr. zach taught the kids how to build their own fire.
they were in heaven.
ummm.....that looks safe, no?
possibly why the park ranger came and made us pour a bucket on it.
camping in the fall is fun.
a little cool in the mornings, but perfect once the sun comes out.
love hanging out with the woods and dirt and sticks to entertain the kids.
i think we made a bunch of great memories in that less than 24 hour trip.
so fun.
can't wait to do it again.
that night {after a whole day of lazing around with some camp laundry thrown in there} AJ and i had a date night.
it had been too long since we'd had a date so we were both really pumped.
we did one of our favorite free activities....
go to barnes and noble and get stacks of magazines to look through while quietly drinking coffee.
the only bummer was that it was cut short because ruby was not sleeping and crying for mama and daddy.
we had to come home early but it all worked out because we got home, put her to bed & had a date night cuddled up on the couch watching parenthood. :)
still fun . . . although i do want to finish those magazines . . .
sunday morning run.
i'm working to be ready for a 5K in a few weeks.
it's really, really hard to find time to run.
this sky was a gift from the Creator of the universe to me that morning.
i often need to be reminded that He is close.
this is my every morning routine.
cozy in my bed quiet time with the Lord.
coffee is mandatory.
i am not telling you this with any sort of pride . . . at all.
my husband is amazing and disciplined and gets up every morning and makes me coffee.
i have struggled for years to be consistent in everyday time with the Lord.
this past year, with AJ's help, this has been my morning routine.
i need it and i am so thankful for it.
this little girl has been a snotty-runny-nosed-not-feeling-good mess this week.
but she sure is cute!
and she does this 712 times a day.
naughty, naughty.
she kicks the baby gate until it leans over and then she climbs over it.
oh mercy.
the littles and i ran into payless this week.
saw picked out these gems for me.
he reeeeally wanted me to get them.
this boy taught himself to play harmonica.
and it sounds really good.
he amazes me a lot.
my sawyer who has taken 3-4 hour naps every day for the last two years has cold-turkey quit the nap.
break my heart.
i'm in mourning.
seriously, this is messing up my whole afternoons.
yes, i'm being dramatic but it is no bueno in the afternoons right now.
i will be happy with a one hour rest time even if he doesn't sleep.
even that is not happening right now.
more like i'm sitting outside his door while he comes out over and over and i put him back over and over.
super fun.
after struggling with him all afternoon yesterday he passes out in the car 5 minutes down the road to pick up the big boys.
great. a power nap. perfect.
this too shall pass. this too shall pass...... ;)
what about y'all?
what have you been up to this week?
link up your phone pics with me here:

p.s. i'm itsgoodtobequeen on instagram if you want to follow me!
let me know your username and i'll follow you back! :)
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