Tuesday, September 18, 2012

dear pinterest, i love you but . . .

so i have a love hate relationship with pinterest.

is anybody with me?

on one hand there are so many great ideas and beautiful photos. . .

on the other hand, i think if i read anymore pins that say, "brilliant!""why didn't i think of that?!" or "genius!!" i might run away and join the circus.

also, every recipe seems to be described as the world's best ever in the history of the universe.
which we all know is not true.

and i'm sorry but i don't want to see another hair braid tutorial.
am i a jerk?

i guess i'm in a sassy mood today.

that is all.
you may go on with your day now.


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  1. Really? You stopped with those few reasons to love/hate pinterest? I just feel you had more to say. :) I love visual resource that takes 2-3 clicks to find what I'm looking for, hate that everyone I know (yes, myself included) does the exact same crafts.

  2. How's this for irony? I just pinned your post about the free printables. And then I read this post. hahahaha!

    1. that is funny. don't get me wrong, i still like pinterest...it just also drives me crazy sometimes. and then i have to blog about it. :)

  3. Oh, there's so much! I'm starting to wonder if it's losing it's effectiveness. More than anything, I use it as a way to bookmark things I want to remember. If I'm searching it seems like I can never quite find exactly what I'm looking for, because there is no rhyme or reason to how people label things. I'm with you...love/hate!

  4. Ack, I might pull my fun braids out if I see one more "pin now, read later!" I'll pin what I want and read it when I want, thankyouverymuch! Have a great day, Sara!

    1. I KNOW!!! that trend is so annoying! also, i forgot to mention the half naked models with the number of exercises they do plastered across their six pack. right next to a picture of cream cheese enchiladas.

  5. I am totally with you on this! It sucks you in, and even though I have seen the same pin over and over, I just can't close the window and find something else to do :)Have an awesome day!

  6. I agree completely. I especially hate all of the redundant crafts, isn't the point of making your own to make it unique? I have a few pinners I follow that are not moms, but artists or business owners and they pin interesting art or photography. It is a nice respite.

  7. Ha! Agreed. I've been seeing a lot of pictures of people's before and after weight loss with the caption "this diet works!"... and, well... I just don't want to see people in their underwear taking a picture of themselves in the mirror. Especially not in the home decor category. Ick. :)


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