Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby.

Happy 30th Birthday AJ!

You are a dream and I am so blessed to be your wife.

30 (of the MANY) Reasons I love my Husband . . .

1. He loves me so much.
2. He loves Jesus so much.
3. He is the spiritual leader of our home.
4. He's a reader.
5. He reads a chapter of Narnia every night to the boys.
6. He loves ours boys as much as I do.
7. He is hilarious. He keeps me laughing all the time.
8. He is diligent.
9. He loves anything I cook and is so appreciate of it every time.
10. He's obsessed with talk radio.
11. He loves sports and is good at them.
12. He sees the best in me....always has.
13. He's hot.
14. He is constantly striving to grow and become more like Jesus.
15. He has big, strong hands.
16. He gets up in the middle of the night with our boys.
17. He's a hard worker.
18. He is so friendly and outgoing...everyone loves him.
19. He has a way of making everyone feel comfortable and at ease.
20. He plays the guitar.
21. He spoils me and says it's his job.
22. His favorite thing is to be with our little family.
23. He is my best friend.
24. He hates sweet tea but he knows how to make it exactly the way I like it.
25. He always asks our boys, "Isn't your Momma pretty?"
26. He's strong willed and is not going to do something he doesn't believe in.
27. He is an encourager.
28. He is patient.
29. He always puts up the Christmas lights on the house.
30. He thinks of others first. Pin It


  1. ...and what a blessing you are to him to notice, appreciate, and honor him in this way!


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