Friday, October 10, 2008

October = Running Around Like a Chicken with my Head Cut Off

I've been a bad bad blogger. October is a crazy busy month for me. It always is, but this year even more so. I have 4 family birthdays (including my sweet husband, next week), JBU homecoming, company 2 weekends, craft fair, and fall festival. Also, I'm having a baby in 6 weeks. Also, I'm homeschooling Avery 3 days a week. I feel like if I can just get through October, then I can breathe! Don't get me wrong, I enjoy all of these things, it's just a lot on my plate right now!
Anyhow, I just want to post of quick picture of my sweet boys. AJ's dad took this a couple of weekends ago when they were in town.
Have I ever told you how in love I am with these boys?

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1 comment:

  1. I'm going to miss you at the craft fair this year! We are going to TX to tell my cousin bye who is moving to Doha, Qatar (middle east!) for 5 years! So, this is the first time in YEARS we won't be going! So sad! :(


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