Saturday, February 28, 2009
Finley "hiding." As soon as AJ walks in the door after work, the boys go running towards him yelling, "WRESTLE!!!!" He is so great to drop his stuff and get to playing with his boys. They have so much fun wrestling with their daddy. They always try to pin him for 10 seconds. They also love to play hide and seek with him. Finley always hides in the exact same spot that AJ just hid in. His latest tricky hiding spot is shown here:
My creative Avery designed this "electric guitar." He worked so hard on it. He cut up a box to make the shape. Then he used a comb, string, and construction paper to make it look how he wanted. When he gets an idea of something he wants to make, he determinedly works on it until he completes it.
Avery's "shot glasses." Those are nerf gun darts. He thought this was hilarious.
My new cabinet knobs and pulls. AJ spent last Saturday installing them on every cabinet in our house. Now that just makes me smile.
A sweet little 3 month old baby boy who loves to suck on his hands.
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Saturday, February 14, 2009
All You Need is Love
We're enjoying our Valentiney Saturday. It started off on a yummy note...AJ made us heart shaped, chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. A variation on his normal Saturday morning pancakes. The boys had big fun opening their Valentine bag. I just gave them one bag to share...full of trinkets and candy's that little boys love. I think the Pez dispensers were the favorite.

More love than Sawyer could ask for!
Tonight we're going on a D-A-T-E!!! I'm obviously excited. This is the first time we'll be leaving Sawyer. My parents are coming to watch the boys. We've gone on "dates" with just Sawyer....which was fine b/c he slept the whole time. But this will be a new sense of freedom to not have to lug the big diaper bag or heavy carseat, stop to feed him, etc. I am going to try to just relax and enjoy my time and not wonder if he's doing okay. :)
I am looking forward to an evening with my best friend. He is seriously my favorite person on this planet.
We were inspired by Amber and decided to write down our love story. I think it will be something precious for our kids to read someday. AJ suprised me with the first installment this morning. :) He had been working on it all week. He has written up to our first date. I can't wait to start writing and add my part. It was fun to read the events from his perspective. It brought me back to that time. I knew we were onto something great....but I never knew it could be this good. Pin It
I am looking forward to an evening with my best friend. He is seriously my favorite person on this planet.
We were inspired by Amber and decided to write down our love story. I think it will be something precious for our kids to read someday. AJ suprised me with the first installment this morning. :) He had been working on it all week. He has written up to our first date. I can't wait to start writing and add my part. It was fun to read the events from his perspective. It brought me back to that time. I knew we were onto something great....but I never knew it could be this good. Pin It
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Good Day, Sunshine
We're enjoying unseasonably warm weather today. It is such a nice break from the cold. I thrive in warm weather so this has been a delight. Avery is at school today so it's just Finley & Sawyer with me today. After we came home from Bible study Finn wanted to play outside and water the plants for me. He was enjoying himself, getting good and muddy as boys do. I decided to see if Sawyer would like the outside swing. This was his first time in it. He mostly had this face the entire time. :) He kept looking down, like the sun was way too bright. It wasn't even that bright outside. But I realize that every time he's been outdoors, has been under a blanket. So he really hasn't seen much outside light at all. He didn't fuss at all, just looked kind of confused the whole time. :)
After sitting in front of him and saying his name in a really high pitched baby voice for a while, he finally smiled at me. :) I cannot get over how cute he is.
Finley was very excited to swing in the big boy swing. He got the silver car swing for his first birthday. He was happy to let Sawyer swing in it today. He said "Now me and Avery can share the big boy swing!"
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Saturday, February 7, 2009
My Little Men
We're having nice weather today so AJ took the boys out to "help" him clean up all the branches that ended up in our yard after the ice storm (I refuse to call it Ice Storm 2009). They were so excited. They put their boots on with their jammies and headed out. It's so fun to see how much they want to be like their daddy. He's a good one to imitate and it makes this momma's heart proud. Here's our yard o' branches...
Avery following his daddy's lead . . .
Finley looked a little like a baton twirler to me with those branches. Pretty cute.
Does any one need some fire wood?? Give us a call. Seriously.
In other news....Sawyer had his 2 month shots yesterday. :( It makes me sad any time one of my boys has to have a shot. It's so sad to see his sweet little face looking up at the nurses curiously and then they jab him in the legs. His face litterally turned tomato red. He looked a little like Bob the tomato...but a really sad Bob. I scooped him up right away to feed him and make it all better. He was smiling within minutes. He's a sweetie sweet boy. You can kind of see his little band aids on his thighs here. Don't you just want to kiss those little cheeks. I do. I think I'll go do that right now. :)
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Thursday, February 5, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
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