Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Good Day, Sunshine

We're enjoying unseasonably warm weather today. It is such a nice break from the cold. I thrive in warm weather so this has been a delight. Avery is at school today so it's just Finley & Sawyer with me today. After we came home from Bible study Finn wanted to play outside and water the plants for me. He was enjoying himself, getting good and muddy as boys do. I decided to see if Sawyer would like the outside swing. This was his first time in it. He mostly had this face the entire time. :) He kept looking down, like the sun was way too bright. It wasn't even that bright outside. But I realize that every time he's been outdoors, has been under a blanket. So he really hasn't seen much outside light at all. He didn't fuss at all, just looked kind of confused the whole time. :)
After sitting in front of him and saying his name in a really high pitched baby voice for a while, he finally smiled at me. :) I cannot get over how cute he is.
Finley was very excited to swing in the big boy swing. He got the silver car swing for his first birthday. He was happy to let Sawyer swing in it today. He said "Now me and Avery can share the big boy swing!"
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  1. Those boys are such cutie pies!
    Sweet pictures! Looking forward to meeting Sawyer!

  2. That serious face is cracking me up. ha! So cute :)

  3. I LOVE Sawyer's dark skin and hair!


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