Anyhow, I used some of her advice today. I have been sick to death of this picture on our mantel. We've had it since our last house and I am just tired of it and it doesn't really reflect my personality. You can't really see but the frame had lots of gold undertones. This is a picture of it at Christmas.
Monday, March 30, 2009
I shopped the house.
So last week was Avery's Spring break. It was so nice to sleep in every day. And by sleep in, I mean 7:30. Usually I get up and get ready before the boys get up. But last week it was nice to just stay in bed and let them watch cartoons for a while before I rolled myself out of bed. We went to Kansas for a few days and enjoyed 14-15 inches of snow!! We had a blast playing in the snow, sledding, & building a snowman. While we were there I spent time looking around at blogs that I never have time to do at home. It was nice to not have a million things pulling for my attention. I scoured the blog Nesting Place. It is chock full of decorating ideas. Anyhow, she talks about "shopping your house." She looks around her house to find things to re-purpose or redo to decorate your home. I'm not explaining it well, so you should just look at her blog and click on "philosophy." She gives many great decorating tips for people like me who enjoy immediate results.
Anyhow, I used some of her advice today. I have been sick to death of this picture on our mantel. We've had it since our last house and I am just tired of it and it doesn't really reflect my personality. You can't really see but the frame had lots of gold undertones. This is a picture of it at Christmas.
So today, I took out the picture and glass. I spray painted the frame chocolate brown. I dug through my fabric pile and found some fabric that would go. Then I just stapled the fabric and ribbon onto the cardboard. Ta da! It took me 30 minutes and I love it. Such an improvement. It just makes me happy. Just a quick thing to update our living room. I may not keep it forever. But if/when I decide I want something else, it will be a quick change.

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Anyhow, I used some of her advice today. I have been sick to death of this picture on our mantel. We've had it since our last house and I am just tired of it and it doesn't really reflect my personality. You can't really see but the frame had lots of gold undertones. This is a picture of it at Christmas.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sawyer D.
Our sweetie sweet little Sawyer turned 4 months old on Saturday. He is so precious and we are all just crazy about him. He has a great big smile that lights up the room. He loves to play with the toys hanging on his play gym. He loves his bath and kicks his feet over and over and smiles with the loud splashing noise. He loves to "talk" to us with loud squeals. Avery and Finley are great with him. They talk to him and help him be happy when Momma can't get to him right away. They sing songs to him and he delights them with an appropriate smile and squeal.
It is bitter sweet to watch this little boy grow. So hard to say goodbye to the newborn stage but also fun to see his new developments every day. I am soaking up each moment with him. I love you, my little Sawyer boy!

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It is bitter sweet to watch this little boy grow. So hard to say goodbye to the newborn stage but also fun to see his new developments every day. I am soaking up each moment with him. I love you, my little Sawyer boy!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Interview with Mom
I got this off of Facebook...I thought it might be interesting:
Ask your child(ren) these questions and enter their answers...Quite amusing!
1. What is something mom always says to you?
Avery: You're cute.
Finley: I love you.
2. What makes mom happy?
Avery: Telling you "I love you."
Finley: Saying beautiful things to you.
3. What makes mom sad?
Avery: I don't know.
Finley: Hitting you.
4. How does your mom make you laugh?
Avery: Tickling.
Finley: You say funny things to me.
5. What was your mom like as a child?
Avery: Pretty.
Finley: You liked babies.
6. How old is your mom?
Avery: 30
Finley: I don't know.
7. How tall is your mom?
Avery: 22 inches (said after looking me up and down)
Finley: Ummm....big. You're big.
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Avery: Your favorite thing is to sew.
Finley: Your favorite thing is to do sew.
9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
Avery: I have no idea.
Finley: You go outside and find me.
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
Avery: Um, I don't know what that means.
Finley: Um, I don't know.
11. What is your mom really good at?
Avery: Makin' hair bows.
Finley: You're good at playing computer.
12. What is your mom not very good at?
Avery: Baking a real live chicken.
Finley: Throwing stuff in the trash can.
(the boys are starting to get silly now)
13. What does your mom do for a job?
Avery: Make money. I don't know anything you do as a job.
Finley: You make your bed.
14.What is your mom's favorite food?
Avery: Stir fry.
Finley: salad
15.What makes you proud of your mom?
Avery: Winning a quiz.
Finley: Doing a job and getting a prize. ( I think he means he's proud when I let him do a job for a prize)
16. If your mom were a Cartoon character, who would she be?
Avery: Jesse
Finley: Ernie (thanks)
17. What do you and your mom do together?
Avery: help cook birthday cakes
Finley: play play-dough
18. How are you and your mom the same?
Avery: We both get itches.
Finley: We both have brown eyes.
19. How are you and your mom different?
Avery: We don't have the same color eyes.
Finley: We aren't different. We look the same.
20. How do you know your mom loves you?
Avery: Saying "you're handsome."
Finley: From giving me a kiss.
21. What does your mom like most about your dad?
Avery: When he's coming home.
Finley: Because his hair is blonde.
22. Where does your mom like to go?
Avery: Grown up stores.
Finley: You like to go to Wal-Mart. (no I do not)
23. What does your mom really want?
Avery: hugs
Finley: a kiss
(yes and yes)
This was pretty fun to do, although they got pretty restless by the end. :) Have I mentioned that I love those boys???? Pin It
Ask your child(ren) these questions and enter their answers...Quite amusing!
1. What is something mom always says to you?
Avery: You're cute.
Finley: I love you.
2. What makes mom happy?
Avery: Telling you "I love you."
Finley: Saying beautiful things to you.
3. What makes mom sad?
Avery: I don't know.
Finley: Hitting you.
4. How does your mom make you laugh?
Avery: Tickling.
Finley: You say funny things to me.
5. What was your mom like as a child?
Avery: Pretty.
Finley: You liked babies.
6. How old is your mom?
Avery: 30
Finley: I don't know.
7. How tall is your mom?
Avery: 22 inches (said after looking me up and down)
Finley: Ummm....big. You're big.
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Avery: Your favorite thing is to sew.
Finley: Your favorite thing is to do sew.
9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
Avery: I have no idea.
Finley: You go outside and find me.
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
Avery: Um, I don't know what that means.
Finley: Um, I don't know.
11. What is your mom really good at?
Avery: Makin' hair bows.
Finley: You're good at playing computer.
12. What is your mom not very good at?
Avery: Baking a real live chicken.
Finley: Throwing stuff in the trash can.
(the boys are starting to get silly now)
13. What does your mom do for a job?
Avery: Make money. I don't know anything you do as a job.
Finley: You make your bed.
14.What is your mom's favorite food?
Avery: Stir fry.
Finley: salad
15.What makes you proud of your mom?
Avery: Winning a quiz.
Finley: Doing a job and getting a prize. ( I think he means he's proud when I let him do a job for a prize)
16. If your mom were a Cartoon character, who would she be?
Avery: Jesse
Finley: Ernie (thanks)
17. What do you and your mom do together?
Avery: help cook birthday cakes
Finley: play play-dough
18. How are you and your mom the same?
Avery: We both get itches.
Finley: We both have brown eyes.
19. How are you and your mom different?
Avery: We don't have the same color eyes.
Finley: We aren't different. We look the same.
20. How do you know your mom loves you?
Avery: Saying "you're handsome."
Finley: From giving me a kiss.
21. What does your mom like most about your dad?
Avery: When he's coming home.
Finley: Because his hair is blonde.
22. Where does your mom like to go?
Avery: Grown up stores.
Finley: You like to go to Wal-Mart. (no I do not)
23. What does your mom really want?
Avery: hugs
Finley: a kiss
(yes and yes)
This was pretty fun to do, although they got pretty restless by the end. :) Have I mentioned that I love those boys???? Pin It
Friday, March 13, 2009
Things I love.
Sweet baby in a bumbo.

That profile.
My little "finny-fan" running after the soccer ball, shoulders up, tongue out.
This was Finn's first soccer game of the season, incidentally.
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Friday, March 6, 2009
It's Funny Now.
So Wednesday started out uneventful. Just a little homeschoolin' and laundry. My sweet 3 month old baby rolled over for the first time. Just a nice day with my boys. Then things went all crazy on me.
AJ took the car to the shop and paid $150 for a diagnostic.
They told him we need a $600 fix.
The plumber came for 30 minutes and I paid him $130 for his time.
He told me we need a new dishwasher. Ours is done.
Avery, while laying on the couch for rest time, was absentmindedly sucking on a quarter. Don't know where he got the quarter. Not surprised that he had it in his mouth. He thought it would be a good idea to try to spit it out....UP...while he was laying down. I guess you know how that worked out. It didn't. I'm sitting at the computer (big surprise) and in runs Avery, wild-eyed and clutching his throat. He informs me (in a very panicky voice) that he swallowed a quarter. aaaaahhhhhh!!! He's clutching his throat and saying he can feel it in there. I'm trying not to panic and not really succeeding. I pray to Jesus to help me to know what to do. I tell him to try to cough it up...that doesn't work. I'm trying to figure out who to call and what to do. I finally call the pediatric clinic on one phone and AJ on the other. I'm trying to talk to both of them, all the while Avery is trying, unsuccessfully, to hack up the quarter. I don't totally freak out b/c he can breathe just fine. But it's pretty scary because he keeps grabbing his throat, saying he can feel it in there and saying, "Mommy, what do we do??" Anyhow...AJ meets us at the pediatric clinic and we get X-rays. The doctor calls a few hours later to tell us the quarter is stuck in his esophagus. Not surprising since a quarter is just the right size of an esophagus, I would think. Basically it's a straight on miracle that the quarter went down the way it did and he was able to breathe and eat just fine. He ate dinner. The next morning I spent an un-cool amount of time (with a crying, stinky baby) in the waiting room of the diagnostic clinic. Another X-ray and we find out that the quarter has moved on down to the stomach. I see the X-ray from the day before, the one with it stuck in his esophagus. Glad I didn't see it then. I felt a little woozy. Now we are waiting for that dang quarter to return to us. And I get the supreme pleasure of finding it. Due to it's size, I have to make sure it passes. Oh Yay, the joys of being a mommy.
As heard this morning in our bathroom, while I am looking for said quarter:
Avery: "Mommy, you're grossing me out"
Me: (while holding my nose) "This is just part of being a mommy."
Avery: "You should be on 'Dirty Jobs'."
Me: "What?"
Avery: "The show, 'Dirty Jobs.' Ms. Keylor told me about it."
Well I've never seen that show, but I'm pretty sure they've got nothin' on me.
Okay, I'm off to go spend the entire afternoon outside.....
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AJ took the car to the shop and paid $150 for a diagnostic.
They told him we need a $600 fix.
The plumber came for 30 minutes and I paid him $130 for his time.
He told me we need a new dishwasher. Ours is done.
Avery, while laying on the couch for rest time, was absentmindedly sucking on a quarter. Don't know where he got the quarter. Not surprised that he had it in his mouth. He thought it would be a good idea to try to spit it out....UP...while he was laying down. I guess you know how that worked out. It didn't. I'm sitting at the computer (big surprise) and in runs Avery, wild-eyed and clutching his throat. He informs me (in a very panicky voice) that he swallowed a quarter. aaaaahhhhhh!!! He's clutching his throat and saying he can feel it in there. I'm trying not to panic and not really succeeding. I pray to Jesus to help me to know what to do. I tell him to try to cough it up...that doesn't work. I'm trying to figure out who to call and what to do. I finally call the pediatric clinic on one phone and AJ on the other. I'm trying to talk to both of them, all the while Avery is trying, unsuccessfully, to hack up the quarter. I don't totally freak out b/c he can breathe just fine. But it's pretty scary because he keeps grabbing his throat, saying he can feel it in there and saying, "Mommy, what do we do??" Anyhow...AJ meets us at the pediatric clinic and we get X-rays. The doctor calls a few hours later to tell us the quarter is stuck in his esophagus. Not surprising since a quarter is just the right size of an esophagus, I would think. Basically it's a straight on miracle that the quarter went down the way it did and he was able to breathe and eat just fine. He ate dinner. The next morning I spent an un-cool amount of time (with a crying, stinky baby) in the waiting room of the diagnostic clinic. Another X-ray and we find out that the quarter has moved on down to the stomach. I see the X-ray from the day before, the one with it stuck in his esophagus. Glad I didn't see it then. I felt a little woozy. Now we are waiting for that dang quarter to return to us. And I get the supreme pleasure of finding it. Due to it's size, I have to make sure it passes. Oh Yay, the joys of being a mommy.
As heard this morning in our bathroom, while I am looking for said quarter:
Avery: "Mommy, you're grossing me out"
Me: (while holding my nose) "This is just part of being a mommy."
Avery: "You should be on 'Dirty Jobs'."
Me: "What?"
Avery: "The show, 'Dirty Jobs.' Ms. Keylor told me about it."
Well I've never seen that show, but I'm pretty sure they've got nothin' on me.
Okay, I'm off to go spend the entire afternoon outside.....

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