Friday, March 6, 2009

It's Funny Now.

So Wednesday started out uneventful. Just a little homeschoolin' and laundry. My sweet 3 month old baby rolled over for the first time. Just a nice day with my boys. Then things went all crazy on me.

AJ took the car to the shop and paid $150 for a diagnostic.

They told him we need a $600 fix.

The plumber came for 30 minutes and I paid him $130 for his time.

He told me we need a new dishwasher. Ours is done.

Avery, while laying on the couch for rest time, was absentmindedly sucking on a quarter. Don't know where he got the quarter. Not surprised that he had it in his mouth. He thought it would be a good idea to try to spit it out....UP...while he was laying down. I guess you know how that worked out. It didn't. I'm sitting at the computer (big surprise) and in runs Avery, wild-eyed and clutching his throat. He informs me (in a very panicky voice) that he swallowed a quarter. aaaaahhhhhh!!! He's clutching his throat and saying he can feel it in there. I'm trying not to panic and not really succeeding. I pray to Jesus to help me to know what to do. I tell him to try to cough it up...that doesn't work. I'm trying to figure out who to call and what to do. I finally call the pediatric clinic on one phone and AJ on the other. I'm trying to talk to both of them, all the while Avery is trying, unsuccessfully, to hack up the quarter. I don't totally freak out b/c he can breathe just fine. But it's pretty scary because he keeps grabbing his throat, saying he can feel it in there and saying, "Mommy, what do we do??" Anyhow...AJ meets us at the pediatric clinic and we get X-rays. The doctor calls a few hours later to tell us the quarter is stuck in his esophagus. Not surprising since a quarter is just the right size of an esophagus, I would think. Basically it's a straight on miracle that the quarter went down the way it did and he was able to breathe and eat just fine. He ate dinner. The next morning I spent an un-cool amount of time (with a crying, stinky baby) in the waiting room of the diagnostic clinic. Another X-ray and we find out that the quarter has moved on down to the stomach. I see the X-ray from the day before, the one with it stuck in his esophagus. Glad I didn't see it then. I felt a little woozy. Now we are waiting for that dang quarter to return to us. And I get the supreme pleasure of finding it. Due to it's size, I have to make sure it passes. Oh Yay, the joys of being a mommy.

As heard this morning in our bathroom, while I am looking for said quarter:

Avery: "Mommy, you're grossing me out"

Me: (while holding my nose) "This is just part of being a mommy."

Avery: "You should be on 'Dirty Jobs'."

Me: "What?"

Avery: "The show, 'Dirty Jobs.' Ms. Keylor told me about it."

Well I've never seen that show, but I'm pretty sure they've got nothin' on me.

Okay, I'm off to go spend the entire afternoon outside.....

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  1. Oh my! That's quite a day. . .

  2. Oh! That is such a dirty job.

    Hey, mom, remember that time you had to find the quarter?

    Yeah. Those were the days.

  3. About halfway through this I was in tears (blame it on the pregnancy hormones) and at the end I was laughing.

    I hope everything comes out ok. :)

  4. Knowing that he is okay, I just had to laugh at the end (about him saying you should be on Dirty Jobs.) That is sooo true!

  5. I am laughing my head off! I love that he told you you should be on Dirty Jobs! That kid never forgets anything. ha!

    I am so sorry it was such a crazy day!

    Ashley (AKA "Mrs. Keylor")

  6. Ha ha! This is hilarious. Jared and I cracked up. Love the post title, too. (p.s. Dirty Jobs is a great show...)

  7. Oh, my goodness!!! I am laughing so hard I'm crying! I can't believe what I've been missing out on while I've been away from blog world for the past few months! Holy cow! This was HILARIOUS!


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