Monday, December 28, 2009

red house photography

some more family photos

these stairs are old and rickety and i was praying to Jesus that the boys wouldn't fall off.

it was very cold this day.
sawyer was not feelin' it.

poor little buddy.
my friend jonna, who i've know forever took these photos.
go to  red house photography if you're around here and get yo' self hooked up. :)

remember how i told you that sawyer cried through most of the session and avery made weird
faces every other minute?  yeah, well this was just a 30 minute session with all that going on and she was still able to get these gems.  i am a fan.

when i was a senior in college i lived in an apartment right above this sign.
good memories.
i found this 10 year old photo and had to share.
aj & i  on the night of junior/senior banquet.
back when every guy wore that same blue shirt and baggy khaki's.

that was fun.
but i'd rather be here than there. Pin It


  1. These pictures are amazing.

    AJ looks outdated, but you look as gorgeous as you always do...which is why you shared the picture, right? :)

  2. How fun to see the then and now photos! I love them!

  3. So so so so so good. LOVE them all!!!


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