Friday, January 1, 2010


my baby turned 7.
we didn't get much sleep.
we ate out twice . . . which is just craziness for us.
we took the big boys to a movie. . .complete with popcorn & orange crush.
we had lots of family time, lots of snuggling time, and lots of creating.
i thanked God for my sweet oldest boy over and over.
it was a great day.

happy birthday, my avery jack.  
the first time i saw you i was mesmerized.
i became a mama then.
you changed my life in a million wonderful ways.
you are a constant delight and i will love you forever. Pin It


  1. Happy Birthday sweet Avery. Thank you for being such a great example to my boys. I'm so thankful that they have you as their older friend to look up to and hopefully grow into. You are a dear friend. We rejoice with you that Jesus is Lord of your life and look forward to how He continues to grow and shape you. Happy 7th! You are so big! - the Murrays

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AVERY!!!!! You are such a sweet, creative, precious boy and I'm so thankful to know you. I pray that you know how blessed you are and that you follow the Lord all of your days.

    Love you- Mrs. Keylor


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