Wednesday, February 3, 2010


i love having a 7 year old.
it is really so fun.
every stage of my boys lives i have wanted to freeze time and not let them get any older.
okay, maybe not when avery was 2, but other than that. :)
but each stage just gets better.

i love the relationship that we have. 
i love how he prays.
i love how he leads.
i love how he is obsessed with Bible Man.

it is so fun to see him reading chapter books now.
i love seeing more and more of his personality emerging.
he has a very strong sense of right and wrong.
and it hurts this mama's heart when others aren't kind to him.
he doesn't understand it.

he is a strong willed little guy.
and there were times when he was younger that i didn't know what to do with him.
but he has chilled out...mostly.
i am seeing more and more of his daddy in him and i love that.

i usually try to send a note in his lunch box at school.
he saves every one.

last week i sent this one:

he brought it back home with a note for me on the back.
melt. my. heart.

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  1. OK, that is the sweetest thing I have ever seen. What a special little guy.

  2. I'm glad he's still okay with being lovey-dovey with you. Gives me hope that I have a little time left with my boys before they become too cool for all that.

  3. Wow. What a sweetie! I have a 7-year-old son, too, and last night he asked me to "go to redcross dot org" so that he could donate $10 to Haiti. It just melted me, because he's been saving his allowance for four months to buy a Nintendo DSI, and $10 is a significant portion of his savings. I don't know what I did to deserve my three boys, but they just OWN me!

  4. so sweet Katherine! I totally know what you mean about them OWNING you!

  5. oh my gosh - brought tears to my eyes and I don't even have kids. You must be doing a great job for him to be such a sweetheart. I love your blog, your attitude, and the graciousness that comes through your posts.

  6. Precious!! I have a 16 month old daughter-loving every moment, and it's so good to hear that it just keeps getting better. Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello today.

  7. Oh babe...that's precious (predee). I love that. : )

    I also heart your pillow. I'm gona snag it tonight when we come over. ha!


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