Tuesday, January 1, 2008

5 Years Ago . . .

Wow . . . is my baby 5 years old?? I can hardly believe it. 5 seemed so old....and now here we are. I keep looking at the clock, thinking back to what I was doing 5 years ago at this time. What a wonderful day it was. It was such a calm, yet exciting day. He was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. . . such a gift. I am overwhelmed with thankfulness for the gift of my sweet boy.
Happy 5th Birthday, my sweet Avery Jack.

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  1. So sweet! I'm just beginning to realize how quickly time flies!

  2. Those are such precious pictures of Avery! I love the new background for your blog, too!

  3. What a sweet post!
    Happy 5th Birthday to Avery!
    Happy 2008 as well!!

  4. I can't believe he was ever so little. Where does the time go??!



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