Monday, January 7, 2008

Avery's Birthday, Part 1

One great thing about Avery's birthday being on New Year's, is that AJ is always home. I think it was a great day. I made blueberry pancakes for his birthday breakfast. Then he got to open his gifts from us.
He loves his new scooter! He didn't even ask for it, so it was a real surprise and he has already had so much fun with it.
Trying it out.....

Our good friends, Dave, Mel, Micah & Levi came over for a little bit to bring Avery a gift. Avery had fun showing Micah & Levi his new toys. In the afternoon, while Finley was napping, Avery and I made cupcakes. He loves helping cook and really loves licking the frosting!!

Avery's creations:

After Finley's nap we picked up Catherine & Easton and took them all to the theatre to see the Chipmunks movie. This was great fun. The kids had a blast. Erin sent a goodie bag with each of the needless to say, they were sugared up by the end of the movie!

Afterwards we all went to the Kennedy's and roasted hot dogs & made s'mores over their new fire pit.

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1 comment:

  1. Holy super-fun-birthday, Avery! Talk about a perfect day for any young kid--way to go, mom!


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