Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas 2009 part uno

a week before christmas our community group had a par-tay.
it was so so fun.
i love our community group. 
we can be super serious one moment and cracking up the next.
we were missing some members, so that was a bummer.
but these tacky sweaters made my night. 
this picture doesn't do olivia's outfit justice.
she looked awesome.
her leggings had big gold circles on the front.  good times.
and you can't really see the awesomeness that is karen's pooh sweatshirt.
but the picture award definitely goes to ashley and dasun. 
they are such a hoot. 
dasun's creep-tastic face kills me. 

i'm so thankful for these crazy kids. Pin It


  1. Looks like a fun group! How did you make that fancy collage?

  2. picasa, love it. it's free to download

  3. ha!!! I love that our horrible picture is all over the internet. ha!
    I also love the creep-tastic word choice...right on. : )


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