Wednesday, January 20, 2010

how we live our days

we've been a sicky family lately.
last weekend we all (except avery) got the stomach flu for the second time in less than a month.
monday sawyer woke up all congested and hoarse sounding.
now he is just pitiful. 
wheezy, clingy, doesn't-know-what-to-do-with-himself, pitiful.

it seems that all of my boys, when they were 1 year old, spent most of the winter sick.

the good news is that we've had spring-like weather this week.
oh sweet relief!

2 weeks ago the high was 5.
today it is 65.
i'll take it.  such a gift in the middle of winter.
and a good distraction for the little buddy.

how sweet are those chubby fingers?  i love them so.

aj's old slingshots provide endless entertainment.

i'm in love with those eyelashes and that profile.

my sweet little fin.

ohhh, hour glass, hold still!
even in the hard times.
even in the days that my hip hurts from swaying a baby.
and my shirt is covered in little boy boogies.
and i don't know how to comfort an uncomfortable boy.
these moments are still so precious.
and i have these sweet innocent little eyes looking up at me.

every day i feel like i'm chasing time by the tail.
just trying to memorize their faces and voices and memories from each moment.

i love this time of my life more than ever before.
God made me to be a mama and i want it to last forever. Pin It


  1. really admire your contentment and satisfaction. This post makes me aware that I need to be documenting our boys' lives with more pictures. precious pictures.

  2. Hi Sara,
    I'm over from Lindsey's blog. I too have 3 little boys :) It is always so fun to see how another mama does it! Love your is SO easy to get caught up in the day to not stop and enjoy the little moments we have. Thanks for the reminder..

    If you would like an invitation to my blog to check out my little guys here is my

  3. I so agree Sara. : ) Precious memories. I love being with my girls and wish the hour glass would move a little slower sometimes. I always enjoy hearing you talk about your boys. They are so blessed to have a mama that treasures her time with them as you do.


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