Monday, January 18, 2010


the week after christmas break was CO-OL-OLD.
like the high was 5 degrees.
that is just too frigid for us southern peeps.
there was no school all week.
a whole lot of nothin'.
but it was nice to have an extra week of laziness before we started back to our routine.
but by thursday night i was getting stir-crazy.
aj came home from work and i said "ya wanna take us out for dinner?"
we had the best family night.
we bundled up to our eyes and went and ate with all the other stir-crazy folks at market place.
it was such a nice, quiet meal and i was so excited to get "out."

that week Sawyer had his first time in the snow.
i did a really bad job at bundling him up.
i tried for 20 minutes straight to fit his fat feet into snow boots.
he was so patient but finally i gave up.
i just put his non-waterproof robeez boots on and called that good.
he was so excited to go out.
he'd been watching the boys from the window for a few days and was excited!
i just plopped him down in what was left of the snow.

did i put another layer under those sweat? no.
gloves? no.
do we have gloves for him? yes.
aj was appalled.
not sure what i was thinking.

but he liked it at first.

then, not so much.

after that he was just happy to crawl around the garage while the boys played.
next time, hopefully i'll bundle him up appropriately and he'll enjoy it more. :)

the big boys attempted to build a snowman with what was left of the snow.

it takes so long to bundle them up, so this time i just pulled down the tub of winter-ish things and
let avery bundle up himself.
hense the purple and pink scarf, my hat, my old ear muffs, and my ski jacket from college.
cool kid alert!!

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