Friday, October 28, 2011


it's been several weeks since i've done instafriday.
i've been busy for some reason or another.

you don't  have to have an iphone to join instafriday...any cell phone pics will do.
it's just a fun, easy way to document your week in random phone pics.

instagram is probably my favorite app on my phone.
it encourages me to stop and take notice.
instagram has it's own little community... i like that too.

i have so many piled up instapics...i'll just pic and choose for ya. :)

i can see both these trees out my window.
i love fall in the ozarks.
in the last week all of the trees have started turning and it's gorgeous.
i had to restrain myself to just two pictures.
the deep red ones are my fave.

fall kicks.
i have resisted the non-wedge toms for so long because i'm so short.
if i don't have some kind of heel, i feel like i'm the kid sister looking up at all the grownups.
i finally gave in, for comfort's sake.
{but dear blake mycoskie, could you please, pretty please, come up with an in-between the super tall wedge and the flattyflatflat toms? and with a closed toe for the winter, please? thatisallthankyou. }

the littles and i went to a friend's house for a playdate this week.
she sent me home with this happy bucket.
it's perfect for the boys' ginormo collection of cars. 

sawyer is a good little shopper.
he loves to go to stores with me.
when we get in the car he says, "okay, let's go to the next store!"
he found a prize at good will. :)
oh my, i love that happy smile. he melts me.

AJ is in this wonderful habit of spoiling me rotten.
i love it.
every morning lately he brings me a {much needed} bowl sized mug o' coffee with aldi pumpkin spice creamer....and a Jesus Calling on the side.
lovely way to start the morning...definitely takes the edge off of those sleepless nights. :)

avery at a friend's mad science party...funny boy.

aj and i had a grown up, all by ourselves, date to a concert for his was awesome.

avery wanted to carve his own pumpkin real bad.
 we're trying to let our little boy grow up.

the boys had crazy hair day at school.
i colored their hair with wet chalk.
thank you pinterest.
what problem can't you solve?

a sneaksie peaksie at ruby's fall fest costume.
can you guess??

life rearranged

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  1. LOl I see u finully got the Jesus calling.:)

  2. Lots of sweet pictures of your week!!!

    I have enjoyed the Instafriday meeting new folks!!!!

    Happy Friday!!


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