Wednesday, October 26, 2011

two months

my sweet girl is two months old.
she's changed so much already.
she's getting chunkier...or as a friend of ours says, "she's juicy."
she's just a doll baby and i'm so in love.

i am so happy.
having a newborn is soothing for the soul.
i love snuggling with her day and night.
she smells so good.
she seems to be getting used to her life outside the womb now.
she's learning to take some naps in her crib.
she's becoming more laid back.
she has some adorable awake time now where she coos, smiles, & kicks her feet.

sister loves to be held.
i wear her in the moby a lot when we're out and about.

i'm so busy during the day that i often look forward to the night time when i get to snuggle her right up next to me in bed.
i'm cherishing these moments with my sweet baby girl.

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