Friday, October 7, 2011


 life rearranged

i find myself taking more and more pictures with my phone and less and less with my big camera.
it's so convenient to use my phone and my camera is so heavy & bulky....and honesly, just one more thing to lug around these days.  
i've realized lately that i'm going to have to be intentional about getting out the real camera as well.

i use the instagram app on my phone but you can use any ol' cell phone pics if you want to join the instafun. :)

a few weeks ago we went to the library on a rainy saturday.
the boys picked out the dvd, "karate for kids."
they learned some fancy new moves.
this is what you get if you're too poor for karate lessons.

i love how tiny she looks slung over his shoulder like a sack o' potatoes.

last friday i stopped by a yard sale and it was one of those that makes your heart start beating fast the moment you walk up.  
it had so much good stuff.
and the sweetest, older couple were there giggling together...loved that.
anyhoo, i scored.
those ring clips were 50 cents each!!
i'm using that vintage clutch bag (25 cents) to hold miss ruby's binkies.
i'd been looking for some fun cereal bowls...50 cents each.
scrabble is one of my favorite games ever... $1.25.
i walked away with a serious yard sale high.

i took this pic and then realized we matched.
i find her irresistible in those jeggs.

this little dress is borrowed from a friend.
we thought she looked like such a little lady for church on sunday.
and yes, i do love dressing her up. so, so much.

sawyer is proving to be a tad bit difficult to potty least for my time frame.
he had a good accomplishment this week so he got to go pick a toy from target.
that is a big deal around here.
he is now captain america.

little girl with a big bow.
six. weeks. old.

so far we've had an unseasonably warm fall.  
yes, please. 
i'll take it. 

i torture aj by texting him pictures of ruby throughout the day.  

please, oh please work.
i've had more than one person tell me that i look tired. 
i am.

the boys are off school today and the weather is beautiful.
perfect day to play at the park with your best friend.

i'm loving this extra day with my big boys.
i miss them so much now that they're in school every day.

it's 3:45....only an hour and a half til i have my aj home for the whole weekend!

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  1. Ruby is a doll (and so are the boys!). I've enjoyed watching your journey with her and your blog is one I check every day! OK, let us know if the puffy eye stuff works. I've wanted to try something like that but didn't know which one to get. Have a happy weekend!

  2. Your little girl is soooo precious!!! and please announce if the eye roller works!!! ha!

  3. adorable pics of little ruby. :)

  4. Ruby. sigh. She is beyond precious.

    Good idea on the Karate DVD!

    i hate it when people tell me i look tired. it happens so often. I took a picture of myself the other day and was absolutely flabbergasted that I do look really, really tired! must not have very good lighting in my bathroom b/c I had no idea. So I just went out and started telling everyone I saw, "You look exhausted!" and "You must be sick!" you know, just returning the favor to the world.

  5. HA! I bought the eye roller too...not working for me, how about you?

    Love your sweet picts.


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