Tuesday, November 23, 2010

celebrating our boy.

once again we did a pretty low key birthday for sawyer.
we decided to just do a little family get together.
half of the family ended up not being able to come, so it was just our little fam,  grammy & grandpa david.
so far sawyer doesn't know any different so he was happy as a lark with the extra attention.
and all of us singing happy birthday to him and teaching him to say, "i'm 2."
sawyer loves. loves. loves. balloons.
or "boons" as he calls them.
they are really his favorite.

and yes, he did get a big boy haircut.
{are you happy now, dasun????}
at first i didn't like it, he looked so different....not my sawyer.
i just had to get used to it.
now i love it. 
it's so adorable and he didn't lose his curls. :)
 this is sawyer blowing the candle out.....
he was blowing through his front teeth..... so. adorable.
he's so cute, i can hardly stand it. 

these boys of mine make life so great. 

and p.s. i am so looking forward to thanksgiving and 5 whole days with my man!
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  1. love it! Can you believe our birthday buddies are 2??

  2. He looks so old in these pictures! And luckily still extremely cute.

  3. Goodness, what a TALL two year old! Mine looks like a pipsqueak in comparison! ;) Happy Birthday Sawyer!

  4. Oh my word! That picture of Sawyer looking at his balloons is PRECIOUS! He is so adorable!

    I showed Dasun your comment. He feels pretty special to be on your blog. : ) ha!


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