Friday, November 5, 2010

corn maze.

when aj's  parents were here we went to the corn maze.
it was a first for all of us. 
it's shaped like a razorback.
avery was beyond excited.  we didn't tell them where we were going.
when we pulled in, he started jumping up and down. :)
i love avery's reaction to a surprise. he makes it so fun.
he had heard about the corn maze at school and had been telling me all about it.

 that's uncle chris (bro-in-law) taking their picture, if you were wondering. :)
and we got reprimanded for letting the kids pick the corn.  oops.

now i must show you the most hilarious photo i received in the mail today.
oh my word i laughed out loud.
as we were leaving the fall festival last week, we (I) decided to take a picture at the "photo booth."
and this is the beauty that we got.
ha ha ha ha ha.

1. my eyes are half closed (typical)
2. the foil on avery's "alien" mask is starting to pull away.
3. fin has ditched the knight helmet & looks confused as to what exactly we're doing
4. and sawyer is d-o-n-e with the fall festival.
5. i love aj & i's big ol' grins while our baby is red faced and screaming. Pin It


  1. dave and I just got a really good laugh at that (it might be the beer I just had). i just can't handle the look on you and AJ's face - "Hi, we are a happy family. We are all doing so well. We love each other and everything is just great!"
    Then you see Sawyer.
    I love boys.

  2. we just laughed out loud too!! =) what a hoot!! you guys are great!! miss you!!

  3. Laughing so hard!!!
    I love the picture at the end!
    I also love the fact that we both got reprimanded for letting our children pick corn at the corn maze.

    Who's great at following directions? These two chicas! ha!!

    Oh well...I thought it was super educational and Kennedy was over the moon about her corn cob (well...until it got taken away). : )


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