Sunday, November 21, 2010

to my youngest boy.....

my sweet sawyer daniel, happy birthday.
you are two today.
and you are still the baby.
just like your brothers, you will always be my baby.
you are such a joy.
i am overwhelmed with the gift of you.
you bring so much life into this house.
we all wait with excitement to see what you're going to do or say next.
you are an absolute delight.
some of my favorite things about you....

*your overbite-y smile
* you lay your head on my shoulder and wrap your little arms around my neck
*you say, "hold you, hold you, hold you" when you want me to pick you up
*you call the color orange, "orange juice"
*you scream with delight when daddy comes home from work and go running as fast as you can to his car
*you love your brothers and love to play with them
*you love to sit in a lap and be read to.....if you see me sitting down, you grab a book and run to plop down in my lap with it.
*you love airplanes
*you're only afraid of one thing.....the trash truck
*you l-o-v-e balloons
*you like to dance and sing songs
*you light up a room

what a blessing it is to be your mama.

happy, happy birthday my little saw buddy.
i love you, mama. Pin It


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY little guy!
    We love you so much!

    -We got to church 5 minutes EARLY--yes, early, but I guess we still missed you. Can't wait to see his new little hair cut.


  2. He’s beautiful. And he’s your baby. We are always the babies of our moms.

    I’m thinkin’ that your boy will treasure, one day, that you wrote these words.

    I can see him 14 years from now, as he goes stomping off to his room, slams the door, leaving you in a red hot huff in the kitchen.

    And then remembers these words - and thinks:

    she held me in her arms,

    I was - and am – and will always be her joy

    she loves me no matter what
    she never stops loving me

    and I need to tell her I’m sorry
    and thank her for being my mom
    and hug her neck
    and remind her of when I was 2

    And he leaves his room,
    quetly pit pats his way to you
    and surprises you
    with that hug around the neck
    And you melt
    because that's what moms do

    and he says I love you mom

    God Bless you and yours Sarah


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